Trivenikalyan Foundation (TKF)
Gram Nirman Samaj (GNS)
Shree Gramdaxinamurti - Manar
Hanumant Hospital (managed by Shree Hanumant Seva Medicare Trust)
Shree Mahuva Education Trust
The Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences
Daxinamurti Vidhyarthi Mandir-Bhavnagar
Shri N N Mehta Memorial Education Trust
Lokbharti Gram Vidyapeeth Trust
Shri Mahuva Gaurakshak Sabha
Shri Balvant Parekh Science City (Science City) and
Gram Seva Kendra Khadasli
As of now, most of these initiatives are centered in the villages of Gujarat. However, seeing the encouraging impact of these initiatives, the Company plans to conduct similar initiatives around its factories.
Horticulture wadi (orchard) at farmers place
The Company has been supporting the partner organisations for agriculture activities and horticulture crops through collaboration with subjectmatter experts and relevant national institutions. During the year, the Company has assisted in the formation of 132 new Farmer Clubs (covering additional 2,057 farmers) in Bhavnagar and Amreli District (for Cotton, Groundnut, Onion and other relevant crops). With these additions, now there are 580 Farmer Clubs, covering over 15,000 farmers.
Data of 15,000 farmers (4,500 farmers added during the year) have been geo-tagged with area mapping on a digital portal. This helps in enhanced analysis for adoption of best practices, such as soil management, intercropping, drip irrigation, etc. Geo-tagging has facilitated provision of specific initiatives for farmers concerning improvement of yield and reduction in the cost of cultivation. About 69% of the farmers actively used these recommendations which resulted in a 10% decrease in the cost of cultivation for cotton and groundnut crops. The knowledge series of booklets on various crops and agricultural practices continues to benefit our Farmer Clubs.
The major breakthrough has been shifting of farmers from chemical fertilizer to bio-based fertilizer. While 6,100 farmers have significantly decreased usage of chemical fertilizer by 35%, another 950 farmers have begun organic farming by widely using Jivamrut and Bijamrut.
De-topping of cotton crops
We have continued the fruit and vegetable initiative and have developed 36 wadis (one-acre orchard) along with shade nets for replication of vegetable and fruit crops.
We have initiated three new centres for expansion of agriculture initiative at Maydhar and Sihor (Bhavnagar district) and Arnej (Gir Somnath District).
Procurement meeting with farmers by FPO
The Company continues to support Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) for various activities.
The FPO has continued collective procurement of various inputs, which is helping farmers fetch higher prices than the local market.
The total turnover of the FPO was ` 3.70 crore for the year 2020-21. The major part of margins has been transferred to over 3,000 farmers.
The FPO has, in collaboration with Government of Gujarat, through its Custom Hiring Center (CHC) in Mota Khutavda village, continued to support marginal farmers by providing agricultural equipments at nominal rental rates for use in their fields whenever needed.
For the next one year, FPO has an ambitious plan for input procurement and various value addition exercise of locally grown crops.
Meeting of the Farmer Producer Organisation
Cultivation of dragon fruits
Construction of this Centre was completed during the year providing various modern facilities, such as Farmer’s Training Centre, Laboratory, Pilot Plant for post-harvest processing etc.
The Centre has developed and demonstrated agro-techniques for new and high value medicinal and aromatic crops to farmers. New introductions include citronella & lemon grass, used as a powerful insect repellent & disinfectant; palmarosa & vetiver, used in perfumery & cosmetics; senna, a controlling laxative for constipation; shataveri, an influential apoptogenic herb, used in the treatment of antibacterial and anti-fungal infection & as galactagogue; kalmegh, an influential herb used for the treatment of various diseases; aloe vera, used for digestive health & skincare; madhunashni, a powerful anti-diabetic plant; French basil & tulsi, an immunomodulator; and spices like coriander, fennel (saunf), ajwain, dill and fenugreek. Thousands of farmers in collaboration with Government departments from 35 adjoining villages have received training at our newly constructed farmer’s training centre.
An integrated portable low cost Gobar Urja Recovery Unit (GURU) was established at the Centre in order to enable farmers to learn and adopt this technology. This unit is integrated with vermicomposting and vermiwash. The biogas unit helps to reduce the emission of methane thereby maintain the ecological balance.
The Centre has effectively demonstrated protected cultivation with micro-irrigation system for plant multiplication vis-a-vis prevention of pests and diseases. Another major step forward is the development of valuable fruit fly trap - a non-chemical approach to control mango fruit fly which is a major pest affecting mango productivity. It is being developed through our R&D team and is available to farmers at their doorstep through women selfhelp groups (SHG) as an income generation activity.
An inter-cropping initiative has been expanded to cover more crops like coconut with turmeric, pomegranate with aloe vera, etc. A joint collaborative project on aromatic citronella crop with the Government covering approximately 100 acres has been completed successfully. This will benefit the farmers of the region for affordable availability of planting material.
A water resource conservation initiative at the Centre covered more than 75 acres with hundred percent drip irrigation system. The Farmer’s Training Centre is capable of training more than 500 farmers at a time and supports many initiatives of Gujarat Government as well as of Central Government. It also carries out skill development and live demonstration with the help of resource scientists from various parts of the country.
A state-of-the-art Research & Development Centre, Quality Control Lab as well as Pilot Plant for post-harvest processing and value addition have been provided at the Centre. Soil and water testing facilities are provided to the farmers along with recommendation for improving soil health and increasing productivity.
An aerial view of Centre for Agriculture and Horticulture Development (Manar)
Farmer training centre (Manar)
R & D, QC Laboratory and Pilot Plant for post-harvest processing and value addition
Seaweed development tank
The Company has extended its support to ICCSIR, a non-profit organisation incorporated as per the provisions of Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. Under the umbrella of ICCSIR, a consortium has been formed by Excel Industries Ltd., the Company and Mamata group, with a unified interest to build a technology for the production, processing and value addition of selected seaweeds, as seaweeds have the potential to reverse the greenhouse effect and restore atmosphere.
The focus of the consortium is to tap the potential of blue economy i.e. sustainable use of ocean resources. A model is being developed to train fishermen and SHG women in Mundra (Kutch district), for livelihood generation through seaweed cultivation and value addition at the coastal belt.
Initiative of identifying and replicating best practices among farmers was continued and significant increase in yield of milk was noticed, with farmers who adapted such improved practices.
In order to deal with restriction in travel during pandemic period, “on-call” animal health advisory service was provided to 850 farmers involving approximately 8,000 cattles. A pilot cattle feed unit was started at Kalsar to produce nutritious fodder at reasonable cost. This fodder was produced with raw materials available in nearby villages. It is proposed to scale up the production based on the results of this pilot experiment.
Under the continuing project of “sexed semen”, cumulatively 175 cattle have been given sexed semen and the conception of female calf is observed in most of the cases. In addition, normal “Artificial Insemination” service has continued with the objective of improving the breed of animals through qualified workers.
Cattle treatment in villages
Cattle feed production unit
The Company helped to form, nurture and develop 130 new self help groups (SHGs) - Mahila Mandals in Bhavnagar, Talaja and Amreli Districts. More than 1,500 additional women became members of these SHGs. With this, the total number of SHGs has reached 570 with 6,400 members. Three additional village organisations were created during the year to support the SHGs.
Training centre for SHG women
A new Training and Quality Assessment Centre became functional at Kalsar during the year. This Centre focusses on developing Technical, Financial and Managerial skills of women to enable them to start and operate a business. 60 such Training sessions were conducted during the year.
New SHG units being constructed
The Company has also collaborated in Public-Private Partnership with the Government of Gujarat, Rurban Mission for development of Infrastructure for SHGs to undertake livelihood generation activities in Kikariya and Mota Khutavda villages.
Sanitizer unit run by SHG
During the year, SHGs sponsored by us at Biladi village started making sanitizers and variety of aloe-vera products. Other new SHG units initiated by us started making khakhra, pickles, cotton mask at Khadasali, Manar and Bagdana villages.
A new Logistics Warehouse has been made operational in Mahuva to support and take care of the needs of SHG businesses. Procurement, logistics and marketing support was provided to various SHG businesses making different products.
Felicitation of SHG women on Women’s day
An exhibition was organised for all SHGs located in Gujarat and in other States to showcase their products on the occasion of Women’s Day on 8th March 2021. The SHG supported by us, Bapa Sita Ram Water Shed unit located at Biladi Village of Mahuva Taluka (Bhavnagar), won the Award as the “Best SHG” of Gujarat State. This SHG manufactures Sanitizers and aloe-vera products.
The Company has continued its support for five watershed centres in Bhavnagar and Amreli districts to accomplish the task of creation of watershed structures and also continued its support for water management activities (check dams, ponds, etc.) with the Department of Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department of Government of Gujarat, in the PPP model. In 2020-21, 59 check dams, 22 ponds deepening and 220 farm ponds were completed.
Check dam
Cumulatively, 147 check dams, 76 pond deepening and 589 farm ponds have been completed till date with the assistance of the Company.
The Company has also initiated the development of 66 water structures (51 check dam and 15 ponds) for the coming year and additional water structures are under discussion with the Government for next year.
Development of farm pond at farmers land
During the year, 1,200 hectares of additional farmland were converted to micro irrigation and more than 110 additional wells, spanning over 40 villages, were recharged, for improving the quality of groundwater.
Cumulatively, it has translated into 4,000 hectares of micro irrigation on farmland and 1,117 well recharges in 100 villages.
Tree plantation drive
The Company has collaborated with State Forest Department and initiated a massive plantation drive with the help of local community. A total of 1.59 lakh trees were planted in the year 2020-21 through mobilization of Farmer Clubs, Schools and SHGs.
The Company provided support for building 2,360 new toilets (taking total to over 15,700 till date) in Mahuva Taluka. It has continued to work closely with the Government and provides support to households to achieve the vision of open defecation-free status for the villages of Mahuva Taluka, Gujarat.
‘Samman Patr’ for tree plantation drive
The Company has supported rejuvenation and maintenance of 129 Government Schools in order to improve the infrastructure and provide pleasant learning environment to children.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the normal working of WaGaLe (Wanchan-Ganan-Lekhan) was impacted. However, the initiative was partially continued with 700+ children.
Beautification of school
The Company has continued its support to Shri N N Mehta Memorial Education Trust which provided scholarships amounting to ` 42.57 lakh to 302 deserving students for higher education. The increase in number of students getting scholarship/prizes is an indication of improvement in the standard of education in the area.
The Company has continued its support to Shri Balvant Parekh Science City (a modern science museum) in Bhavnagar. The centre enables children to get familiar with various scientific subjects through interesting demonstration units. The centre also prepares students for various scholarship programmes and National Olympiad Competitions have also been undertaken. During the year, 90,915 students benefitted through 14 online sessions conducted on various subjects.
ITI training sessions
Masks provided to Covid warriors
The Company has continued its collaboration with Directorate of Employment and Training (under Labour and Employment Department), Government of Gujarat for the seventh year, to strengthen the skill eco-system in the State. During the year, a total of 14,500 trainees from around 194 ITIs benefitted through online classes for carpentry, plumbing, electrical and construction technician courses. Moreover, the Company supported 4 ITIs for plumbing and carpentry courses in Rajasthan.
The Company has been industry partner in 9 ITIs, under PPP (Public-Private Partnership) scheme of Government of Gujarat, where efforts are focussed on strengthening training delivery, both in scale and quality.
The Company has continued its support as an industry partner in Gujarat for World Skill Competition, 2021 in carpentry, joinery, plumbing & heating trades.
The Company has continued its collaboration with Kaushalya Vardhan Kendras (KVKs) for providing skill training mainly in 10 sectors covering 78 courses. During the year, more than 3,000 trainees availed online skill training.
1 lakh masks, which were produced in these ITIs and KVKs, were distributed to COVID warriors and other needy people.
Vaccination centre run by Hanumant Hospital
The Company has continued its support to Hanumant Hospital, which was the first hospital in Bhavnagar District that started treatment of Covid-19 at Taluka level. More than 10,000 patients were screened for Covid symptoms and 986 critical Covid patients have been treated.
The Hospital ensured that all necessary equipment such as ventilators, oxygen concentrators, BiPAP monitors, etc. were made available in adequate numbers for corona patients.
The Company supported free vaccination for approximately 4,000 beneficiaries at Hanumant Hospital as well as other locations in Mahuva.
The Company supported the Government Medical College (Bhavnagar) to bridge the gap in availability of certain medical equipment required to treat corona patients.
During the year, Hanumant Hospital treated over 43,698 outpatients, 8,952 indoor patients, performed over 3,167 surgeries and successfully handled 4,038 emergency cases. Four educational training programmes were conducted for medical fraternity.
Eight speciality medical camps were conducted (in-house as well as in surrounding villages) under the Doctor connect programme.
Sanjeevini Scheme certificate provided to Covid survivor
Arial view of Hanumant Hospital
Hanumant Hospital is enrolled under Ayushman Bharat scheme of Government. Under this, the Hospital provided cashless treatment to 745 beneficiaries this year.
Hanumant Hospital is the only hospital in Bhavnagar District enrolled under Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana. A total of 4,384 patients have received cashless dialysis service under this scheme.
Hanumant Hospital conducted 193 free cataract surgeries with Intraocular lenses (IOL) in collaboration with Vision Foundation, Mumbai.
The Hospital is running many schemes which helped 7,552 beneficiaries by providing treatment through IPD & OPD during the year. Hospital is having Arogya fund scheme to help the economically weaker class of patients for treatment through donors of the scheme. This year 1,741 patients were provided help amounting to ` 8.62 lakh.
Rehabilitation of people with Parkinson’s
B. K. Parekh Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society works for rehabilitation of persons with Parkinson’s disease to improve quality of their life. The Society operates 9 Centres in Gujarat State and 2 Centres in Pune. Due to Covid pandemic conditions during the year, these Centres have used online platforms for conducting various activities relating to physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychological guidance, diet and nutrition guidance, yoga, etc. Also, webinars by expert doctors on various subjects were conducted with specialised programmes for caregivers.
Women working on the Solar Charkha
The Company continued its association with the Mahuva Khadi Bhandar. As a part of collaboration with Khadi and Village Industries Board, 5 more Khadi Bhandars of Mahuva, Samanvay, Savarkundla, Vanda and Surendranagar were provided funds for 100 solar charkhas and 25 solar looms during the year (cumulatively, 126 solar charkhas and 30 power looms till date). This will be used by spinners and weavers and provide self-employment opportunities.
Waste segregation unit at Nagarpalika
The Company has continued its collaboration with Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), Government of Gujarat and Mahuva Nagarpalika for Cleanliness drive.
During the year 2020-21, the focus of the pilot initiative was twofold i.e. streamlining processes of Mahuva Nagarpalika related to regular cleaning of roads, allocation of dustbins, training of Safai Karamcharis, provision of fogging machines, repair and renovation of community toilets. The Company also worked on other challenges i.e. segregation of mixed waste, value addition of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste and also recycling of the plastic waste.
To address the challenge of segregation at source, the Company has operationalised a unit that segregates 5 tonnes of solid mixed waste per day into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
The biodegradable waste is then converted into compost with the help of bio-fertilisers. We have made more than 1,500 kgs of compost out of waste and this compost is being distributed to the farmers.
Although most of the academic and outreach programmes of the Centre were impacted due to the Covid pandemic, still during the year three issue of its international academic journal i.e. Anekaant: A Journal of Polysemic Thought, The Spring 2019-20 Special Issue titled "General Semantics and Indian Philosophical Thought: A Comparative Approach," the Autumn 2020-21 Special Issue titled "General Semantics and Media Ecology," and a General Issue, comprising essays on Indian and World literary and cultural studies were published. The journal continues to garner positive responses from readers.