Farmers obtaining good-quality onion harvest as a result of training and recommendation provided by field officers
Agriculture & Horticulture
The Company has been continuously supporting Horticulture and agriculture through collaboration with experts and institutions.
During the year, the Company has assisted in the formation of 35 new Farmer Clubs (covering additional 1,400 farmers) for relevant crops including Cotton, Groundnut, Onion etc. Till now there are over 615 Farmer Clubs, covering over 16,400 farmers. Data of the farmers have been geotagged with area mapping on a digital portal, thereby, helping adoption of best practices viz soil management, intercropping, drip irrigation, etc. which has enabled to provide specific recommendations to the farmers about increasing the yield and reduction in the cost of cultivation. About 65% farmers actively used these recommendations and benefited through 10% decrease in cost of cultivation for cotton and groundnut crops.
In the area of fruit and vegetable farming, the Company has taken initiative to develop 36 one-acre wadis along with shade nets to replicate vegetable and fruit crops. 24 wadis are in developing stage, which will be demonstrated on the farmers’ own lands. The average additional income earned by farmers through this intervention is ` 1.10 Lacs. It was observed that onion crops were having large amounts of chemical residue, which were also affecting the export. The Company collaborated with APMC Mahuva to address this issue. Customised Bio-Input kits have been made accessible for the farmers at a low cost. Till date, 500 farmers have already started the application of the same to improve crop quality. Various low-cost technologies are being introduced at farmers’ fields to reduce drudgery and save farmers time and cost.
Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO)
Our FPO’s CEO explaining to farmers about inputs that gets the best results
The Company has continued its support to the Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO).
The FPO has now more than 1,000 farmer members and over 3,000 farmers have availed the services from FPO and purchased good quality inputs at subsidised rates. The total turnover of the FPO stood at ` 8.38 crores for the year 2021–22 from ` 3.70 crores in 2020-21. Till date, major part of margins has been passed on to farmers.
The FPO has continued to support marginal farmers by providing agricultural equipment at nominal rental rates in collaboration with the Government of Gujarat through its Custom Hiring Centre in Mota, Khutavada village which also supports adjoining villages. Over 250 farmers have received the benefit.
The FPO has continued the collective procurement of groundnuts from farmers’ doorsteps so that farmers get better and assured returns. The FPO has been awarded the Chana Minimum Support Price procurement by Government/ Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Mahuva. Till date 713 MT of Chana from framers has been procured.
Centre for Agriculture- Horticulture Development at Gram Daxina Murti, Manar
The Company has continued to provide farmers the latest recommended cultivation practices (already available with universities, Government, etc.) to boost sustainable agriculture and horticulture growth along with value addition of their produce, through the Centre at Manar.
The Centre has successfully demonstrated the process of agriculture, horticulture of aromatic fruit and medicinal crops. Farmers from 45 adjoining villages have visited the Centre to learn the best package of practices and for extension of Agri knowledge and technology. The Centre has trained over 7,900 farmers since inception and over 5,300 farmers in the year 2021-22.
The Centre has started focusing on value added products like aromatic and medicinal crops with farmers, which will yield them higher income as well as an alternative crops for value addition. These crops can also be grown as intercrop along with traditional cropping. Centre has procured grass from farmers and extracted more than 350 litres of high-value oil of citronella, palmarosa and lemongrass.
Provision of seeds and fertilisers at our cluster offices for farmers
At the Centre, low-cost technologies and modern methods of farming are demonstrated for farmers. Along with this, the Centre has developed a hydroponics unit, Zero Gravity Israeli technology, Mushroom (Oyster) cultivation and Thailand Kitchen Garden.
Hydroponics unit at the Centre for Agriculture and Horticulture, Manar
Thailand Kitchen Gardening demo plot
MoU signing ceremony at our farmer training centre with NRCSS
The major objective of setting up these modern techniques of farming is to enable farmers to learn and implement them on their fields, which shall result in better returns.
The Company has collaborated with different institutes viz the National Research Centre on Seed Spices (NRCSS) with the aim of training farmers in the cultivation of various spice crops.
The Company has also collaborated with the Central Salt And Marine Chemicals Research Institute in Bhavnagar to train coastal fishermen and farmers in the cultivation of seaweed to provide an alternative source of income. The Company is currently training 80 such coastal fishermen and farmers through its Manar Centre.
Seaweed cultivation by fishermen in Mundra
Seaweed Consortium ICCSIR (Indian Centre for Climate and Societal Impact Research)
The Company has continued its support to ICCSIR, a non-profit organisation incorporated as per the provisions of Companies Act 2013. Under the umbrella of ICCSIR, a consortium is formed with the unified interest of building technology for the production, processing and value addition of selected seaweeds.
The seaweed cultivation activity has been initiated under the guidance of ICCSIR by 121 farmers in Mandvi, and rafts have also been developed for the same. Trials for Gracilaria dura and Ulva lactuca seaweed are in process. A tissue culture laboratory at Mandvi for Kappaphycus seaweed along with Potash recovery has also been initiated.
Animal Husbandary
The Company has continued its support to the Milk production and Animal Health Initiative in Mahuva Taluka. The farmers are trained on best animal husbandry practices like animal feeding, breeding, health and cattle management which resulted into average increase in milk yield by 23% per animal.
During the year, an Animal Husbandry advisory (on-call assistance) service was imparted to 821 project farmers including 335 new farmers of 40 villages including 16 new villages, for the treatment of minor cases of cattle, so farmers did not have to travel during Covid. Further, the veterinary doctors treated 3,902 animals during the year, whereas cumulatively 15,628 animals have been treated.
The Animal Husbandry team established a small cattle feed unit at Kalsar for reduced cost of cattle feed and increased the productivity of animals.
Complicated horn cancer surgery being performed by veterinarians
Artificial Insemination (AI) service have been performed cumulatively on over 35,200 cattles, and for this year, on over 4,300 cattles. The Company has continued the innovative project of sexed semen, introduced in 2020–21, which ensures conception of a female calf. For the current year, 131 cattle have been given sexed semen doses of which 45% cattle were found pregnant. Based on the conception till date, the success rate is 100% with female calves being delivered by pregnant animals.
Celebration of achievements of SHG women on International Women’s Day
Initiatives for Women
During 2021-22, the Company helped to form, nurture, and develop 68 new Self-Help Groups (SHGs) - Mahila Mandals in Bhavnagar, Talaja and Amreli districts, Gujarat. More than 580 additional women became members of these SHGs. With this, the total number of SHGs reached 638 with a strength of more than 6900 women members. These SHGs serve as a platform for women to gain financial freedom, as an option to have a source of credit that can be a stimulus for their income generation activity, and as a buffer to absorb various household financial crises.
To make all these SHGs self-sustainable the Company helped create one cluster federations of 35 village organisation.
A Training and Quality Assessment Centre has been developed in Kalsar, which focuses on expanding technical, managerial and financial skills to operate a business for women. With more than 200 SHGs (600 women), 117 such trainings were conducted, which have further translated into various mini businesses that help these women earn dignified livelihoods.
Cumulatively, SHGs now run and manage 6 units of khakhra and other units for different products such as sanitiser, sanitary pad, wooden toys, aloe vera, pickle, masala, bakery, bio phenyl, jute and cloth bags, soft toys, bio-pesticide, seaweed value-added products, and banana fibre value-added processing units. One SHG unit has received a license from the Government of Gujarat, Food and Drugs Control Administration for manufacturing and selling cosmetic products, which will provide them with a new line of business with better range of products, to increase their sales and earnings.
To support the mini businesses with logistics and sales, a fully functional warehouse has been operational in Mahuva. The warehouse takes care of receiving orders, delivery to respective vendors, inventory management and other important activities and a cumulative of 20 SHGs have been benefitted till date.
A massive event with participation of more than 900 women was hosted on 9th March, 2022, to celebrate the occasion of International Women’s Day, in adherence to COVID guidelines, by the Government, where Collector Shri. Yogesh Babanrao Nirgude (IAS) and DDO Hon’ble Dr. Prashant Jilova (IAS) of Bhavnagar felicitated 43 SHG women for their achievements, mostly related to entrepreneurship.
SHG women checking the quality of spices along with implementation of hygiene standards as per good management practises
Water Resource Management
The Company has continued its support towards water management activities (check dams, ponds, etc.) with Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply, and Kalpsar Department of Government of Gujarat, in the PPP model. In 2021–2022, 66 check dams, deepening of 25 ponds and 82 farm ponds were completed.
Cumulatively, over years, 213 check dams, deepening of 101 ponds and 690 farm ponds have been completed till date with the assistance of the Company.
The Company has also initiated the development of 66 water structures (51 check dams and 15 ponds) for the coming year, and further water structures are under discussion with the Government for the next year.
The Company has continued its support towards five watershed centres in Bhavnagar and Amreli districts to accomplish the task of creation of watershed structures.
During the year, 129 hectares of additional farmland were converted into micro irrigation and more than 285 additional wells spanning over 40 villages were recharged, for improving the quality of groundwater.
Cumulatively, over years, it has translated into 4,129 hectares of micro irrigation on farmland and 1,402 well recharges in 100 villages.
In order to address the problem of water scarcity, a low-cost water structure has been developed, which can be replicated by Panchayats and farmers for water conservation.
With all such initiatives, in 2021-22, the Company has helped to conserve 290.7 million ltrs. of water in the state of Gujarat. When this conservation is considered as against Company’s consumption of water in manufacturing operations located in the state, the Company is net positive in water.
Low-cost water structure in Karjala village
Tree Plantation
The Company has collaborated with the Gujarat State Forest Department and initiated a massive plantation drive with the help of the community.
A total of 2.20 lac trees were planted in the year 2021–22 through mobilisation of Farmer Clubs, schools and SHG women, whereas cumulatively 4.80 lac trees have been planted to increase green cover.
The Company has also collaborated with The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 and Jilla Panchayat for mass plantation where four patches of land in villages have been covered to create green cover.
The Company supported the building of 1,293 new toilets (taking the total to over 16,993 till date) in Mahuva taluka. It has continued to work closely with the Government and provides support to the households to achieve the vision of open defecation-free status for the villages of Mahuva taluka.
With the relentless efforts of the Company in collaboration with the Government, the complete district of Bhavnagar has been declared Open Defecation-Free by the Government.
Implementation of ‘Chalo School Firse Pukare’ mission
The Company has collaborated with the Primary and Secondary Education Department of Gujarat, for the digitisation of 40,000 primary schools.
Due to pandemic, till December 2021, most of the education initiatives were impacted, especially WaGaLe (Wanchan- Ganan-Lekhan), digitisation and pre-primary education.
An initiative called ‘Chalo School Firse Pukare’ was implemented in mission mode to motivate students to return to school, once normalcy returned.
The students were welcomed by dignitaries, teachers and staff of the school. Gifts like masks and pens were given so they had a feel-good factor on the first day itself.
Things have started normalising since January 2022; hence, the WaGaLe initiative has also restarted in 80 schools of Mahuva taluka for improvement of foundational learning skills, i.e., basic reading, writing and math in regional language. During lockdown, 50 online sessions for WaGaLe were implemented with participation of more than 700 children.
The Company has continued its collaboration with Navneet for digitisation of 155 secondary schools in Mahuva, of which 55 schools curriculum have already been digitised.
The pre-primary education initiative has also been restarted with 20 Aanganwadis where Giju bhai methodology is being implemented. The major emphasis is on teaching young children (ages 3–5) using concepts of DIY, songs, games and other interactive methods that are more effective in sparking curiosity among children.
The school painting initiative has been extended to Jesar taluka, after seeing the success of the same in Mahuva taluka.
16 schools have been painted in Mahuva and Jesar talukas for the current year and cumulatively 149 schools have been painted.
The Company has signed an MoU with Bhavnagar Jilla Panchayat for the construction of 5 primary schools.
The Company has signed an MoU for the construction of an Ashramshala (residential school) in Kaprada taluka of Valsad district to provide access to quality education for needy and underprivileged students.
Khat muhurat of Kalsar Primary School
Garba Raas competition organised by Parekh College to promote cultural art forms of Gujarat
The Company has continued its support to 6 schools of Shri Triveni Kalyan Education Trust (TKET) and the girl students from these schools supported by Company came out to be high achievers. Till date, 8 students have been selected as police officers, 4 students cleared the entrance for becoming doctors, 17 students joined the Indian Army, 8 students joined the Navy, 3 students were selected in other Government jobs, 4 students became Police Sub-inspector and 10 girls entered the nursing profession.
The Company has continued its support to Parekh College where Arts, Commerce, Science, BBA and Computer Science courses are operational. Last year, approximately 3,600 students availed education through Parekh College for various courses.
The Company has continued its support to Shri N N Mehta Memorial Education Trust, providing scholarships amounting to ` 40 lacs to 229 deserving students for higher education, in 2021-22.
The Company has continued its support to Shri BKP Science City (a modern science museum) in Bhavnagar city to ensure the development of analytical learning. Preparation of the students for various scholarship programmes and national Olympiad competitions has also been undertaken.
Sri BKP Science City has collaborated with Augustya Foundation, to upgrade its pedagogy and infrastructure to provide the best learning experience for students.
Three buses have been provided respectively to TKET Schools, Nursing College and Science City, so that students from far-off locations can commute easily.
Scholarship distribution by N N Mehta Memorial Education Trust
Health Initiatives
The Company has continued its support to Hanumant Hospital, which was the first hospital in Bhavnagar that started COVID treatment at the taluka level. More than 19,170 patients (9,172 new patients) were screened for COVID symptoms, and 1,723 critical COVID patients (737 new patients) have been treated. 5,700 beneficiaries have been vaccinated through Hanumant Hospital and other centres.
A special facility with 10 ventilators, oxygen concentrators, BiPAP monitors and other important infrastructure was created. Along with this, an oxygen plant with a 0.5-tonne capacity has been commissioned to ensure a continuous supply of oxygen.
Two more oxygen plants of 1 tonne capacity have been commissioned, one in Mahad and another in Vapi, to ensure that patients get a continuous supply of oxygen.
During the year, Hanumant Hospital in Mahuva treated over 45,400 outpatients, over 10,100 indoor patients, performed over 2,500 surgeries and successfully handled over 4,200 emergency cases. 13 speciality medical camps were conducted (inhouse as well as in surrounding villages) under the Doctor Connect programme. The hospital is enrolled under the Ayushyaman Bharat scheme of the Government and provided cashless treatment to 623 beneficiaries this year.
Vaccination drive at doorsteps of farmers and SHG women
Commissioning and installation of oxygen plant at Mahad
Hanumant Hospital is the only hospital in Bhavnagar district having an enrolment of the Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana under the urology cluster. A total of 5,459 patients have received cashless dialysis service under this scheme.
177 free cataract surgeries with intraocular lenses (IOL) were conducted at Hanumant Hospital in collaboration with Vision Foundation, Mumbai.
schemes, namely Chitrakutdham Arogya Scheme, Jaswant Mehta Arogya Scheme and Arogya Sanjivani Scheme, which have provided free treatment to 3,405 beneficiaries. The hospital has an Arogya Fund Scheme to coordinate treatments of the economically backward class of patients through donors. This year, 6,146 patients were provided help, amounting to ` 39.20 lacs.
Inauguration of O2 plant at Hanumant Hospital by Collector Bhavnagar, Shri Yogesh Nirgude (IAS) and DDO Bhavnagar Dr Prashant Jilova (IAS)
Inauguration of O2 plant in Vapi by DM and Collector Valsad, Smt Kshipra Agre (IAS)
Village-level medical eye camp to treat the community at their doorstep
Skill Initiatives
The Company has continued its collaboration with the Directorate of Employment and Training (under the Labour and Employment Department), Government of Gujarat, for the eighth year, to strengthen the skill eco-system in the State. During the current year, a total of 17,551 trainees from 186 ITIs were benefitted through online classes for carpentry, plumbing, electrician and construction technician courses. Moreover, in Rajasthan, the Company is supporting 4 ITIs for running plumbing and carpentry courses.
Under the PPP (Public-Private Partnership) scheme of the Government of Gujarat, the Company has been the industry partner in 9 ITIs, where efforts are focused on strengthening training delivery, both in scale and quality.
The Company has continued its support as an industry partner in Gujarat for the World Skill Competition 2022 in Carpentry, Joinery and Plumbing and Heating trades. Two of our sponsored students won State as well as Regional Skills competitions and were felicitated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Solar Khadi Initiative
The Company continued its association with Mahuva Khadi Bhandar. Solar charkha and solar looms are more efficient compared to the manual amber charkha and handloom in terms of productivity.
The initiative focuses on addressing the need for modernisation, spinning, weaving, dyeing and value addition along with training and testing to make the khadi-weaving process profitable for the community. The training of 200 women for operating these solar charkhas and looms are under process.
MoU signing in the presence of Hon'ble Principal Secretary Higher and Technical Education, Smt. Anju Sharma (IAS) and Skill University Registrar, Shri HR Suthar (IAS), for setting up an Advanced Skilling Centre for Carpentry and Plumbing in collaboration with Kaushalya – The Skill University, Government of Gujarat in Ahmedabad
MoU signing with the Government of Himachal Pradesh (HP) Skill Initiatives, in the presence of the Hon'ble Minister of Technical Education, HP Shri Ram Lal Markanda
Women working on the Solar Charkha
Swachhta Initiative
Customised vehicle provided to SHG women for door-to-door collection of plastic waste
The Company has continued its collaboration with the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), Government of Gujarat and Mahuva Nagarpalika for the cleanliness drive.
The Company recently signed a tri-party MoU with the Regional Commissionerate of Municipalities of Bhavnagar and Mahuva Nagarpalika to set up a Material Recovery Facility at Mahuva for waste segregation, processing and recycling.
The Company has also roped in an expert agency for segregation at source, removal, collection and recycling of both organic and plastic waste into value-added products. Organic/biodegradable waste will be made into compost. Necessary support in terms of infrastructure, machinery and equipment is to be provided by the Company.
The Company has also extended the drive to villages of Mahuva taluka in a phased manner. To ensure community involvement, SHG women have been roped in for the collection of plastic waste along with the involvement of Panchayats.
The total waste segregated in the last one year is 269 MTs, from which compost was prepared and provided to farmers; value addition of plastic waste has also been undertaken. To facilitate this process, 3 Plastic Collection Centres (PCCs) have been established in Mahuva city. These centres are responsible for purchasing scrap materials from ragpickers. A total of 5,863.9 kg waste have been collected and 2,469.8 kgs were sold to recyclers for value addition.
B K Parekh Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorder Society (BKPPDMDS)
The Company continues to support the rehabilitation of people with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers with the aim of improving the quality of life of such persons.
BKPPDMDS is functioning in 9 centres across the state of Gujarat and 2 centres in Pune, Maharashtra. Due to Covid, these Centres have shifted to an online platform through which they have continued offering various activities such as Parkinson’s information, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychological services, diet and nutrition, creative therapies, yoga, neurologist and other expert doctors’ webinars on various subjects and specialised programmes for caregivers.
Natural Disaster & Relief Initiative
Tauktae Cyclone hit the coasts of Gujarat on 17th and 18th May 2021 and wreaked havoc on the Company's major working areas, causing damage to people, infrastructure and plantations. The Company supported disaster relief efforts by restoring a large amount of infrastructure, plantation as well as relief work to the needy.
Relief work for community affected by the cyclone