Page 139 - Annual Report 2019-20
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Notes forming part of the financial statements  Notes forming part of the financial statements                  137

             42 Segment information
 (  in crores)
                 Business Segment: The Company operates in two business segments namely Consumer & Bazaar (C&B) and Business to Business
 39 Contingent Liabilities and Commitments  (B2B). Consumer & Bazaar segment covers sale of products mainly to end consumers which are retail users such as carpenters,
                 painters, plumbers, mechanics, households, students, offices, etc. Sale consists of mainly Adhesives, Sealants, Art and craft
 As at  As at    Materials and Construction and paint Chemicals. B2B covers sale of products to end customers which are mainly large business
 31 March   31  March   users. This includes Industrial Products (IP) such as adhesives, synthetic resins, organic pigments, pigment preparations,   PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 2020  2019      construction chemicals (projects), surfactants, etc. and caters to various industries like packaging, textiles, paints, joineries,
                 printing inks, paper, leather, etc. Others includes sale of speciality acetates, raw materials etc.
 A)  Contingent liabilities not provided for:  During the year, the Company has re-organised its internal reporting, whereby the Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM)
 1.  Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts comprise:  evaluates the business activities and operating results of IP segments and certain business units which was until previous year
                 shown under C&B segment, are now reclassified under new B2B segment, based on customer type. Therefore, in accordance
 a)  Income Tax demand against the Company not provided for and relating to issues of    58.50    30.57   with ‘Ind AS 108 – Operating Segments’, the segment information for C&B and IP segments pertaining to these business units in
 deduction and allowances in respect of which the Company is in appeal  respect of previous year reported have been regrouped, respectively to C&B and B2B segments. Operating Segment disclosures
                 are consistent with the information provided to and reviewed by the Managing Director (Chief Operating Decision Maker)
 b) Excise Duty and Service Tax claims disputed by the Company relating to issues of    22.13    12.18   (  in crores)
 c)  Sales Tax (VAT, CST, Entry Tax and GST) claims disputed by the Company relating to    165.92    176.25   Business Segments  Year 2019-20  Year 2018-19
 issues of declaration forms and classifications  Consumer  Business  others  Total  Consumer  Business  Others  Total
 d) Other Matters (relating to disputed Electricity Duty, Gram Panchayat Tax, Open Access    3.14    3.22   & Bazaar  Business  & Bazaar  Business
 Charges, etc.)
 2.  a)  Guarantees given by Banks on behalf of Government and others*   47.86    48.86   Revenue
             Segment Revenue                  4,999.82   1,377.87    76.45   6,454.14    4,817.85   1,309.52    89.86    6,217.23
 b) Guarantees given by Company on behalf of the Subsidiaries to Banks*
             Less: Inter Segment Revenue        (7.05)   (113.58)   (0.92)   (121.55)   (6.28)   (115.40)   (1.67)   (123.35)
 Pulvitec do Brasil Industria e Comercio de Colas e Adesivos Ltda   25.64    16.60   (at cost plus fixed margin)
             net Revenue                      4,992.77   1,264.29    75.53   6,332.59    4,811.57    1,194.12    88.19    6,093.88
 Pidilite Bamco Ltd   3.24    2.97
             Revenue based on geography
 Pidilite MEA Chemicals LLC (Previously known as Jupiter Chemicals LLC)   41.07    37.67
             India                                                   5,638.05                          5,487.10
 Pidilite Lanka Private Limited   33.15    30.40
             Outside India                                            694.54                           606.78
 Bamco Supply & Services Ltd   1.09    1.00
             Segment Result                   1,531.40    257.42   (4.55)   1,784.27    1,416.91    186.31    (7.99)   1,595.23
 * Guarantees given are for business purpose.   unallocable Expenses   (529.68)                       (362.62)
 note: The Company, being the holding/ultimate holding company, will extend financial support to   unallocable Income   117.17    107.76
 its subsidiaries as and when required.
             Operating Income                                         1,371.76                        1,340.37
 B)  Commitments:  Finance Cost                                       (13.40)                            (7.14)
             Interest/ Dividend Income                                  19.31                           43.22
 a)  Estimated amount of contracts, net of advances, remaining to be executed for the    204.00    68.20
 acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment, investments and not provided for  Exceptional Items   59.28    -
 b) For other commitments, refer note 47(E)(ii) for financial instruments, note 51 for leases   Profit Before Tax   1,436.95    1,376.45
 and note 53 (a)(i) & note 54 for committed investment in subsidiaries.  Tax Expense   (335.33)        (397.01)
 c)  The Supreme Court in a earlier judgement has held that provident fund contributions are
 payable on basic wage, dearness allowances and all other monthly allowances, which   Profit for the year   1,101.62    979.44
 are universally, necessarily and ordinarily paid to all the employees in the establishment   Other Comprehensive Income   (11.20)   (2.98)
 across the board. There are numerous interpretative issues relating to the judgement. As   Total Comprehensive Income   1,090.42    976.46
 such, the Company has, based on legal advice and as a matter of caution, made provision
 for an estimated amount on a prospective basis.  The above includes:
 The net amount of exchange differences debited to Statement of Profit and Loss is   1.86 crores (  6.32 crores for the year   Depreciation, Amortisation and    49.52    23.62    3.87    77.01    43.92    19.84    2.81    66.57
 40  ended 31  March 2019)  Impairment (allocable)                     48.78                            33.26
             Depreciation, Amortisation and
             Impairment (unallocable)
 41  Disclosure as per Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule 5 of Listing Regulations with the Stock Exchanges  Capital Expenditure (including Capital     232.47    101.66    6.14    340.27    80.25    54.57    11.49    146.31
             Work-in-Progress) (allocable)
 a)  Loans and Advances in the nature of loans given to subsidiaries, associates, firms/ companies in which directors
 are interested:  Capital Expenditure (unallocable)                     31.88                            39.92
             There is no transaction with single external customer which amounts to 10% or more of the Company’s revenue
 Name of the Company  As at 31  March 2020  As at 31  March 2019
 Relationship  Amount   Maximum   Amount   Maximum   Segment Assets & Liabilities  31  March 2020  31  March 2019
 outstanding  outstanding   Outstanding   Segment Assets  Consumer  Business  others   3,118.43   Consumer  Business  Others   2,614.51
 Balance  Outstanding
                                             & Bazaar
                                                                              & Bazaar
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  Pagel Concrete Technologies Pvt Ltd  Subsidiary   0.33    0.33    0.33    0.33   unallocable Assets   905.78    289.00    4.77    2,700.63    705.15    252.84    10.99    2,735.50
 the year
 the year
             Total Assets
             Outside India
 Loans and Advances shown above, fall under the category of ‘Loans & Advances’ in the nature of loans where there
             Segment Liabilities
 is no repayment schedule and re-payable on demand.
             unallocable Liabilities
             Other Information
             Capital Employed
 136  b)  Loans and Advances referred above are not bearing any interest and are fully provided.  Total Liabilities   4,464.82    4,186.72
             All the non-Current Assets of the Company are located in India
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