Page 174 - Annual Report 2019-20
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             short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings of   Address for Correspondence
             the Company are A1+ and AAA respectively. There was   registered office:
             no revision in the said ratings during the year   Regent Chambers, 7  Floor, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg,
             under review.                                    208, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021                                                                                                                                        PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
             Commodity price risk / Foreign exchange risk and   Tel No: 022-2282 2708
             Hedging Activities                               CIN: L24100MH1969PLC014336
             Certain key raw materials and packing materials   Corporate office:
             used by the Company are derivatives of commodities   Ramkrishna Mandir Road,
             such as crude oil, paper, aluminium etc. Any material   Off. Mathuradas Vasanji Road,
             price fluctuation in such commodities can impact   Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059
             the margins of the Company till the impact is    Tel No   : 022-28357000/7949
             appropriately factored in the pricing of Company’s   Fax No  : 022-28216007
             products. The Company does not undertake         E-mail   :
             commodity hedging activities.                    Website :
             The Company has managed the foreign exchange     Corporate Secretarial/Investors’ Assistance
             risk with appropriate hedging activities in accordance   Department
             with the policies of the Company.
                                                              The Company’s Secretarial Department headed by
             Exposure to commodity and commodity risks faced   Shri Puneet Bansal, Company Secretary, is situated at
             by the Company throughout the year is Nil.       the Corporate Office mentioned above. Shareholders/
                                                              Investors may contact Shri. Puneet Bansal or
            Shareholding Pattern as on 31  March 2020         Smt. Manisha Shetty at the Corporate Office in
                                                              Mumbai for any assistance they may need.
                              UTI, Mutual Funds,              outstanding GDrs/ADrs/Warrants
                              Banks,  Insurance
                              Companies & Alternate           The Company has no outstanding GDRs/ADRs/
                              Investment Funds 7.9 %          Warrants as on 31  March 2020.
                                                              employee Stock options
                                                              The information with regard to the Employee
                                                              Stock Options are set out under Annexure to
                     FII’s & FPI’s
                     11.5 %                                   Directors’ Report.

              Corporate & Indian
              Public 10.68 %

                                                  69.92 %

      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20                                                                                                                       FINANCIAL


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