Page 222 - Annual Report 2019-20
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Notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements                                                            notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements                                          221

                                                                                                    (  in crores)
             40 Other Expenses                                                                                                      42 a)  Associates and Joint Ventures
                                                                                          For the      For the                      A.  (i)  Details of Associate
                                                                                       year ended    year ended                                                                                                                           PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                                                                                        31  March    31  March                          Name of Associate                                     Principal    Place of  Proportion of ownership
                                                                                           2020          2019                                                                                 activity  incorporation   interest/ voting rights
                Consumption of Stores and Spares                                            37.58        29.63                                                                                        and principal   held by the Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                          place of    As at     As at
                Clearing, Forwarding and Octroi Duty                                       297.45       279.61                                                                                            business  31  March   31  March
                Power and Fuel                                                              63.07       63.06                                                                                                         2020       2019
                Contract Labour                                                             75.47        53.72                          Vinyl Chemicals (India) Ltd                          Trading in             40.64%    40.64%
                Water Charges                                                                4.12         3.37
                Rent (refer note 54)                                                        20.35       48.95                                                                                                              (  in crores)
                Rates and Taxes                                                             4.80          5.72
                                                                                                                                        (ii) Financial information in respect of Associate
                Insurance                                                                   10.58         6.01
                                                                                                                                        Particulars                                                                  For the   For the
                License Fees                                                                 1.12        0.99                                                                                                     year ended   year ended
                Repairs :                                                                                                                                                                                          31  March   31  March
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020       2019
                    Buildings                                                   9.63                      9.55
                    Machinery                                                  21.27                     19.77                          Group's share of profit                                                        3.03      3.60
                    Others                                                      9.32                     10.30                          Group's share of Other Comprehensive Income                                       -         -
                                                                                            40.22        39.62                          Group's share of Total Comprehensive Income                                    3.03      3.60
                Directors' Fees                                                             0.44         0.47
                Advertisement and Publicity                                                284.64       229.89                         (iii) Reconciliation with carrying amount of investment
                Legal, Professional and Consultancy Fees                                    57.27       46.89                           Particulars                                                                   As at     As at
                Communication Expenses                                                       9.84        16.57                                                                                                     31  March   31  March
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020       2019
                Printing and Stationery                                                      7.25        8.65
                                                                                                                                        net assets of the Associate excluding dividend adjustment                      59.31    57.20
                Travelling and Conveyance Expenses                                          122.13       111.64
                                                                                                                                        Share in accumulated Profits/Reserves (%)                                   40.64%    40.64%
                Bad Debts                                                                    3.88         5.01
                Provision for Doubtful Debts                                                 8.45         9.78                          Share in accumulated Profits/Reserves                                          24.12     23.25
                Processing and Packing Charges                                              76.80        77.51                          Investment in Equity Share Capital                                              1.18      1.18
                Sales Commission                                                            10.34        11.28                          Total Investment                                                              25.30     24.43
                Payments to Auditor (refer note a)                                           2.57         2.19
                Donations                                                                    0.17         0.91                      B.  (i)  Details of Joint Venture
                Corporate Social Responsibility Expenses                                    27.12        24.14                          Name of Joint Venture                                 Principal    Place of  Proportion of ownership
                Loss on Fixed Assets Sold/ Discarded (net)                                     -          2.43                                                                                activity  incorporation   interest/ voting rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and principal   held by the Group
                net Loss on Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation                    4.13         7.96                                                                                            place of    As at     As at
                Miscellaneous Expenses                                                     218.94       200.51                                                                                            business  31  March   31  March
                TOTAL                                                                     1,388.73     1,286.51                                                                                                       2020       2019
                                                                                                                                        Plus Call Technical Services LLC                     Flooring,    united Arab   40.00%  40.00%
            a.  Details of Payments to Auditors of Parent and Subsidiaries (net of taxes)                                               (refer note 7B)                                  tiling, painting,   Emirates
                a)  Auditor                                                                  2.01         1.75                                                                           concrete work
                                                                                                                                                                                            and related
                b)  Tax Matters                                                              0.21         0.16                                                                             contracting
                c)  Other Services                                                           0.33        0.27                                                                                activities                    (  in crores)
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  41 Exceptional Items                             year ended    year ended                         (ii) Financial information in respect of Joint Venture                    year ended   year ended
                    Reimbursement of Expenses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               For the
                                                                                                       For the
                                                                                          For the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             31  March
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   31  March
                                                                                        31  March
                                                                                                     31  March
                                                                                                                                        Group's share of profit/ (loss)
                Impairment in value of Asset held for Sale [refer note 56(i)]
                Provision for Diminution/ Impairment in value of Investment
                                                                                                                                        Group's share of Total Comprehensive Income
                (including loan given to Joint venture)                                     55.19        18.02                          Group's share of Other Comprehensive Income                                       -         -
    220         TOTAL                                                                       55.19        18.02
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