Page 60 - Annual Report 2019-20
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ANNExuRE 1 TO ThE DIRECTORS’ REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                          59

            1.   A brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including overview of projects or programs proposed to be            5.   Details of CSR spent during the financial year:
                 undertaken and a reference to the web-link to the CSR policy and projects or programs:                                                                                                                                   PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                                                                                                                                        (a) Total amount to be spent for the financial year-   24.81 crores
                 (a)  Focus areas:                                                                                                      (b) Amount unspent, if any – Nil
                    The Company supports various bodies in carrying out activities in the areas of rural development,                   (c) Manner in which the amount spent during the financial year is detailed below:
                    education, health care, general semantics etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (  in crores)
                 (b)  CSR Objectives:                                                                                               Sr.   CSR project or activities   Sector in   Location   Amount   Amount spent   Cumulative   Amount spent:
                    To attain its CSR objectives in a professional manner and integrated manner, the main objectives are:           No.  identified           which the   where       outlay   on the projects   expenditure   Direct or
                                                                                                                                                                                               or programs:
                                                                                                                                                              projects are
                                                                                                                                                                          projects are
                                                                                                                                                                                                             upto the
                    (1)  To promote, carry out, support activities relating to: Education and Training including in Science                                   covered     undertaken   projects   (Direct and   reporting   through
                        and Technology, Humanities etc; Healthcare; Welfare of Children, Women, Senior Citizens and                                                       district)   program   Overhead               agencies*
                        Differently Abled Persons; Employment enhancing Vocational skills; Sanitation; Water management;                                                              wise     expenditure
                        Agriculture; Horticulture; Milk and Animal Health; promotion of Farmer Producer Organisation;                                                                          on projects or
                        Swachtha Initiative; promotion of Culture; Art & Craft; Conservation of Natural Resources;
                        Promotion and development of traditional Arts & Handicrafts, Khadi and Handloom; Employment                 1.  Access to higher      Promoting   Gujarat/        4.36          4.36       4.36 Direct and
                        Generation and Government Scheme System; Environment Sustainability; Science & Technology;                      education; programmes   education  Maharashtra                                 through
                                                                                                                                        for high school and
                        Rural Development; Animal Welfare; welfare and development measures towards reducing                            secondary school teacher;                                                      agencies
                        inequalities faced by Socially and Economically Backward groups and such activities may include                 providing professional,
                        establishing, supporting and / or granting aid to institutions engaged in any of the activities                 vocational courses for rural
                                                                                                                                        students; school & college
                        referred to above.                                                                                              with hostel only for girls
                                                                                                                                        and women supporting
                    (2)  To conduct and support studies & research; publish and support literature, publications &                      poor students for higher
                        promotion material; conduct and support discussions, lectures, workshops & seminars in any of the               education etc.
                        areas covered above.                                                                                        2.  Assistance to Cancer   Promoting   Gujarat/       5.68          5.68       5.68 Direct and
                    (3)  To promote, carry out, support any activities covered in Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013,              patients; supporting   health care  Maharashtra                                through
                                                                                                                                        various activities of
                        as amended from time to time.                                                                                   Hanumant hospital;                                                             agencies
                                                                                                                                        diagnosis and treatment
                    In the financial year 2019-20, the Company has undertaken activities relating to promoting Education,               of parkinson’s disease etc.
                    Healthcare, Rural Development and Sanitation.
                                                                                                                                    3.  Water resource        Rural       Gujarat         15.47         15.47     15.47 Direct and
                 (c)  Web-Link to the CSR Policy:                                                                                       management;           development                                              through
                                                                                                                                        infrastructure                                                                 implementing
           (under the head “Policies & Codes”)                                   development for                                                                agencies
                                                                                                                                        agriculture; etc.
            2.   The Composition of the CSR Committee as on 31  March 2020 is as follows:                                           4.  Miscellaneous Contribution  Promoting   Gujarat   0.79          0.79       0.79 Direct and
                 (a)  Shri Sanjeev Aga                                                                                                  towards construction   Sanitation                                              through
                                                                                                                                        of toilets and Swachh
                 (b)  Shri N K Parekh                                                                                                   Bharat Abhiyan                                                                 agencies
                 (c)  Shri A B Parekh                                                                                               Total expenditure towards CSR                        26.30         26.30      26.30
                 (d)  Smt. Meera Shankar                                                                                            *Implementing agencies: Balwant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and other Human Sciences; Triveni Kalyan
                                                                                                                                    Education Trust; Gram Nirman Samaj Gram Vikas Yojna; Hanumant Seva Medicare Trust; Lokbharti Gram Vidyapeeth Trust;
                 (e)  *Shri Debabrata Gupta                                                                                         Trivenikalyan Foundation; Rotary Charitable Trust, Vapi; Ravi Krupa Trust; B K Parekh Parkinson’s Disease & Movement
                                                                                                                                    Disorder Society; Monghiben Balvihar Trust; Gram Daxina Murti; Indian Cancer Society; Gram Seva Kelavani Mandal Trust;
                    * With effect from 1  March 2020                                                                                Dakshinamurty Vidyarthi Bhavan; Sadbhavna Trust; Hiralal Parekh Parivar Charitable Trust; Parkinson’s Disease & Movement
                                                                                                                                    Disorder Society; Inner Wheel Club of Bombay; Helping Hand Charitable Trust; Rotary Foundation For Education & Learning;
                                                                                                                                    N. N. Mehta Memorial Education Trust; DDO Bhavnagar.
            3.   Average net profit of the Company (calculated as per Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013)
                 for last three financial years:
                                                                                                                                   6.   In case the Company has failed to spend the two per cent of the average net profit of the last three
                                                                       (  in crores)
                                                                                                                                        financial years or any part thereof, the Company shall provide the reasons for not spending the amount
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  1 2  2018-19                        1,240.53                                                   7.   Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                        in its Board Report –
                       Financial Year
                                                                                                                                        Responsibility statement:
                                                                                                                                        The CSR Committee confirms that the implementation and monitoring of CSR Policy, is in compliance with

                                                                                                                                        CSR objectives and Policy of the Company.
                       Average Net profit
                                                                                                                                                                               BhARAT PuRI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MEERA ShANKAR
                                                                                                                                    Date: 17  June 2020
                   24.81 crores

     58     4.   Prescribed CSR Expenditure (2% of the amount as in item 3 above):                                                  Place: Mumbai                            Managing Director             Chairperson CSR Committee
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65