Page 60 - Annual Report 2019-20
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1. A brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including overview of projects or programs proposed to be 5. Details of CSR spent during the financial year:
undertaken and a reference to the web-link to the CSR policy and projects or programs: PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
(a) Total amount to be spent for the financial year- 24.81 crores
(a) Focus areas: (b) Amount unspent, if any – Nil
The Company supports various bodies in carrying out activities in the areas of rural development, (c) Manner in which the amount spent during the financial year is detailed below:
education, health care, general semantics etc.
( in crores)
(b) CSR Objectives: Sr. CSR project or activities Sector in Location Amount Amount spent Cumulative Amount spent:
To attain its CSR objectives in a professional manner and integrated manner, the main objectives are: No. identified which the where outlay on the projects expenditure Direct or
or programs:
projects are
projects are
upto the
(1) To promote, carry out, support activities relating to: Education and Training including in Science covered undertaken projects (Direct and reporting through
and Technology, Humanities etc; Healthcare; Welfare of Children, Women, Senior Citizens and district) program Overhead agencies*
Differently Abled Persons; Employment enhancing Vocational skills; Sanitation; Water management; wise expenditure
Agriculture; Horticulture; Milk and Animal Health; promotion of Farmer Producer Organisation; on projects or
Swachtha Initiative; promotion of Culture; Art & Craft; Conservation of Natural Resources;
Promotion and development of traditional Arts & Handicrafts, Khadi and Handloom; Employment 1. Access to higher Promoting Gujarat/ 4.36 4.36 4.36 Direct and
Generation and Government Scheme System; Environment Sustainability; Science & Technology; education; programmes education Maharashtra through
for high school and
Rural Development; Animal Welfare; welfare and development measures towards reducing secondary school teacher; agencies
inequalities faced by Socially and Economically Backward groups and such activities may include providing professional,
establishing, supporting and / or granting aid to institutions engaged in any of the activities vocational courses for rural
students; school & college
referred to above. with hostel only for girls
and women supporting
(2) To conduct and support studies & research; publish and support literature, publications & poor students for higher
promotion material; conduct and support discussions, lectures, workshops & seminars in any of the education etc.
areas covered above. 2. Assistance to Cancer Promoting Gujarat/ 5.68 5.68 5.68 Direct and
(3) To promote, carry out, support any activities covered in Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013, patients; supporting health care Maharashtra through
various activities of
as amended from time to time. Hanumant hospital; agencies
diagnosis and treatment
In the financial year 2019-20, the Company has undertaken activities relating to promoting Education, of parkinson’s disease etc.
Healthcare, Rural Development and Sanitation.
3. Water resource Rural Gujarat 15.47 15.47 15.47 Direct and
(c) Web-Link to the CSR Policy: management; development through
infrastructure implementing (under the head “Policies & Codes”) development for agencies
agriculture; etc.
2. The Composition of the CSR Committee as on 31 March 2020 is as follows: 4. Miscellaneous Contribution Promoting Gujarat 0.79 0.79 0.79 Direct and
(a) Shri Sanjeev Aga towards construction Sanitation through
of toilets and Swachh
(b) Shri N K Parekh Bharat Abhiyan agencies
(c) Shri A B Parekh Total expenditure towards CSR 26.30 26.30 26.30
(d) Smt. Meera Shankar *Implementing agencies: Balwant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and other Human Sciences; Triveni Kalyan
Education Trust; Gram Nirman Samaj Gram Vikas Yojna; Hanumant Seva Medicare Trust; Lokbharti Gram Vidyapeeth Trust;
(e) *Shri Debabrata Gupta Trivenikalyan Foundation; Rotary Charitable Trust, Vapi; Ravi Krupa Trust; B K Parekh Parkinson’s Disease & Movement
Disorder Society; Monghiben Balvihar Trust; Gram Daxina Murti; Indian Cancer Society; Gram Seva Kelavani Mandal Trust;
* With effect from 1 March 2020 Dakshinamurty Vidyarthi Bhavan; Sadbhavna Trust; Hiralal Parekh Parivar Charitable Trust; Parkinson’s Disease & Movement
Disorder Society; Inner Wheel Club of Bombay; Helping Hand Charitable Trust; Rotary Foundation For Education & Learning;
N. N. Mehta Memorial Education Trust; DDO Bhavnagar.
3. Average net profit of the Company (calculated as per Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013)
for last three financial years:
6. In case the Company has failed to spend the two per cent of the average net profit of the last three
( in crores)
financial years or any part thereof, the Company shall provide the reasons for not spending the amount
PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 1 2 2018-19 1,240.53 7. Not Applicable
in its Board Report –
Financial Year
Responsibility statement:
The CSR Committee confirms that the implementation and monitoring of CSR Policy, is in compliance with
CSR objectives and Policy of the Company.
Average Net profit
Date: 17 June 2020
24.81 crores
58 4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure (2% of the amount as in item 3 above): Place: Mumbai Managing Director Chairperson CSR Committee