Page 55 - Annual Report 2019-20
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social & community services initiatives  Education                                                               53

            The Company continues to          education, the Company           through the use of games,
            improve the basic learning        supported the installation of    storytelling, songs, etc. as an
            abilities of children in rural    35 new learning software in      e¢ective mode of learning.
            areas. Taking forward the         primary schools, which took      The project has been initiated
            concept of ‘WAGALE’               the total tally to 335 softwares   in collaboration with 20          PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
            (Wanchan-Ganan-Lekhan)            with 245 LED TVs. In secondary   Government Aanganwadis.
            is now operational in total       schools, 26 new software
            of 153 schools. WAGALE            were installed and 13 LED TVs    The Company provides a
            helps students with slow          were distributed.                platform to encourage children
            learning abilities by providing                                    to develop their creative ability.
            them training sessions            Shri Sanjay Prasad, IAS (Hon.    As a part of this, a drawing
            through practical methods,        State Election Commissioner      competition was held this year
            visual presentations and          of Gujarat and Former            among more than 19,600
            interactions with academically    Additional Chief Secretary       students across 140 schools.
            fast-learning students.           Agriculture) along with other    Of all the pictures, more than
                                              IAS O–cers inaugurated our       600 were selected, framed and
            More than 5,200 children          newly constructed Triveni        placed in schools to provide
            are enrolled under                Kalyan Education Trust (TKET)    motivation and inspiration to
            ‘WAGALE’ initiative.              Boys and Girls hostel.           the students.
            A baseline assessment for
            Gujarati and Mathematics          The Company has also             Shri N N Mehta Memorial
            subjects was conducted at the     supported beautification of       Education Trust provided
            start of the year. Assessment     97 schools in FY 2019-20,        scholarship amounting to
            results indicated that 17% of     which were painted by            ` 41 lakhs to 244 deserving
            the students assessed were        a special weatherproof paint     students for higher education.
            in the low-scoring category       made as per Government           Prizes amounting to ` 1.84 lakhs,
            (obtained 0-10 marks out of       specifications.                   were given to 126 students for
            40). However, after the                                            sports and cultural activities.
            midline assessment, only          A pre-primary education          The increase in number of
            7% of students fell in the        centre based on Giju bhai's      students getting scholarship
            low-scoring category.             methodology (110 years old)      or prizes is an indication of
            The endline assessment has        has been initiated to develop    improvement in the standard
            been postponed due to             the learning ability of children   of education in the area.
 B. K. Parekh   and physiotherapy students at   lockdown and shall be   below the age of 5 years.
                                              It focuses on the idea of the
            implemented after June 2020.
 Parkinson’s Disease &   Bhavnagar celebrated WPD at   To improve the level of   ‘doing and learning’ system
 an old age home. The centres
 Movement  also found ways to keep
 Disorder Society  members active and fit.
 Anand SG hosted a Sports Day
 B. K. Parekh Parkinson’s   whole-hearted participation by
 Disease and Movement   Pwps. The Vadodara members
 Disorder Society (BKPPDMDS)   also participated in a marathon.
 works for rehabilitation of
 persons with Parkinson’s   Sessions on healthy living and
 (Pwps) to improve quality of   aging were held for senior
 life. There are 10 centres in   citizens at senior citizen forums
 Gujarat and 2 in Pune, which   and associations. Mahuva and
 conduct activities like speech,   Pune centres also launched a
 occupational, physiotherapy   Healthy Aging programme.
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  tips, yoga sessions, expert   and volunteers conducted a
 and psychological services.
 On the busy streets of
 Additionally, diet and nutrition
 Ahmedabad, Pwps, caregivers
 talks, festive celebrations
 Rally and Roadshow to raise
 and picnics are also arranged.
 awareness on Parkinson’s.
 The Society has been working
 The 2019 World Parkinson’s
 closely with college students
 Day (WPD) was celebrated
 Educational trainings were also
 people attending the
 held for students in homeopa-
 Ahmedabad celebration. Pwps
 52  across centres, with 200+   through volunteering initiatives.
 thy and physiotherapy streams.
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