Page 51 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 51
social & community services initiatives 49
Model Village
Under the Company’s unique
initiative ‘Model Village: Kushal
Gram’ at Kalsar, Gujarat, 1,197
additional villagers were skilled
in various areas, taking the
total tally to over 9,697
As a part of the cleanliness
drive, more than 1,800
INAUGURATION OF households were helped to
Water Resource create sanitation facilities
within their dwelling units.
Management The villagers were trained to
paint their houses (Project
The Company has continued to Amreli district to accomplish Rangeen Kalsar) and during
undertake water management the task of creation of the year, an additional 168
activities (check dams, farm watershed structures. such houses were painted
ponds, etc.) in cooperation The five operational centres in the same colour taking
with the Department of are (a) Otha (b) Mahuva the cumulative number to
Narmada, Water Resources, (c) Manar (d) Sanosara and 1,568 houses.
Water Supply and Kalpsar (e) Khadasli. The centres are
Department of Government equipped with all the required
of Gujarat. In FY 2019-20, machinery and work is done
37 check dams, 14 pond under the supervision of
deepening and 121 farm experienced civil engineers.
ponds were completed.
Total rainwater harvested
Cumulatively, 96 check dams, is 232 million litres during
54 pond deepening, and 369 FY 2019-20 through the
farm ponds have been construction of new check
completed to date with the dams, along with desilting and
assistance of the Company. deepening of existing check
PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 structures (51 check dams and of additional farmland were
The Company has also initiated
During the year, 1,300 hectares
the development of 79 water
converted into drip irrigation
28 ponds) for the current year
and more than 283 additional
and additional water structure
wells spanning over 30 villages
restorations are under
were recharged, for improving
discussion with the state
the quality of groundwater.
government for the next year.
2,800 hectares of farmland
and 1,007 wells in 100 villages.
its support for five watershed
48 The Company has continued Cumulatively, it translated into SCHOOL USING SPECIAL PAINT
centres in Bhavnagar and