Page 46 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 46
social & community services initiatives
Agriculture &
The Company has always believed Horticulture PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
in contributing for the betterment The Company has been The major breakthrough has 40-50 years if maintained
of society where it operates and with supporting the partner been achieved by farmers properly. On the other hand,
organisations for agriculture
opting for bio-based fertilizer
the shade net will yield an
this objective, it has been engaging and horticulture crops instead of chemical fertilizer. additional income of ` 10,000
While 2,071 farmers have
through collaboration with
to ` 15,000 per year on
in and supporting various social and subject-matter experts and significantly decreased usage an average.
relevant national institutes.
by 30% of chemical fertilizer,
community service initiatives for the During the year, the Company another 520 farmers have For enhancing the skill of
past several years, long before the assisted in the formation of 108 begun organic farming farmers, Agro ITI courses have
by widely using Jivamrut
new Farmer Clubs (covering
been initiated at Agriculture
concept of corporate social additional 1,500 farmers) in and Bijamrut. Research Station, Mahuva,
Bhavnagar and Amreli Districts
in collaboration with Junagadh
responsibility came into being. (for cotton, groundnut, onion, With respect to horticulture, Agriculture University (JAU)
we have developed 6 wadis
along with the successful
and other relevant crops). With
these additions, now there are (one-acre orchard) along with implementation of two
448 Farmer Clubs covering 5 shade nets for replication of batches. We also completed
over 13,000 farmers. vegetable and fruit crops. two batches of Agriculture
These orchards will increase courses at ITI Jafrabad.
Such initiatives are undertaken Data of 10,500 farmers have the income of farmers and
directly by the Company and been geo-tagged with area yield continuous income for
through various organisations, mapping on a digital portal.
such as Trivenikalyan This helps in enhanced analysis
Foundation (TKF), Gram for adoption of best practices,
Nirman Samaj (GNS), Shree such as soil management,
Gram Daxinamurti - Manar, intercropping, drip irrigation,
Hanumant Hospital (managed etc. Geo-tagging has
by Shree Hanumant Seva facilitated provision of
Medicare Trust), Shree Mahuva specific initiatives for farmers
Education Trust, The Balvant concerning improvement of
Parekh Centre for General yield and reduction in the cost
Semantics and Other Human of cultivation. About 65%
Sciences, Gram Daxinamurti, of the farmers actively used
Bhavnagar, Shri N N Mehta these recommendations which
Memorial Education Trust, resulted in a 12% decrease
Lokbharti Gram Vidyapeeth in the cost of cultivation for
Trust, Shri Balvant Parekh cotton and groundnut crops.
Science City and Gram Seva We have launched knowledge
Kendra Khadasli. As of now, series of booklets on various
most of these initiatives are crops and agricultural
centred on the villages of practices (cotton, groundnut,
Gujarat. However, seeing the onion, intercropping, animal
encouraging impact of these husbandry, soil and water
initiatives, the Company plans management and composting)
to conduct similar initiatives which has benefitted DEMONSTRATING LOW-COST AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY FOR FARMERS
Farmer Clubs.
in the surrounding areas of
its factories.