Page 44 - Annual Report 2019-20
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            has appointed M/s M. M. Sheth & Co., Practising   Disclosure of related party transactions with the                    Particulars of Employees and related disclosures  The Company has complied with Secretarial Standards
            Company Secretaries to undertake the Secretarial   promoter(s)/promoter(s) group, which individually                                                                     issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of
            Audit of the Company for the financial year 2019-20.   hold 10% or more share holding of the Company, as               Disclosure pertaining to remuneration as per Section   India on Meetings of the Board of Directors and   PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
            The Report of the Secretarial Auditor is attached as   per the Indian Accounting Standards, are set out in             197(12) of the Act, read with Rule 5 of the Companies   General Meetings.
            Annexure 2 to this Report. There is no qualification or   Note No. 44 of the Standalone Financial Statements of        (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial
            adverse remark in their Report.                   the Company.                                                         Personnel) Rules, 2014 is attached as Annexure 6 to   Appreciation
                                                                                                                                   this Report.
            Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and   Particulars of Loans, Guarantees or Investments                                                                      Your Directors wish to place on record their
            Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo                                                                                    Details of employee remuneration as required under   appreciation of the contribution made by the
                                                              Details of loans, guarantees or investments covered                  provisions of Section 197 of the Act and Rule 5(2)   employees at all levels to the continued growth and
            The particulars under Section 134 of the Act, read with   under the provisions of Section 186 of the Act, are          of Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of     prosperity of your Company. Your Directors also
            the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 are attached as   given in the Notes to the Financial Statements.                 Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 (including any   wish to place on record their appreciation to the
            Annexure 3 to this Report.                                                                                             modifications, thereof) are available at the Registered   shareholders, dealers, distributors, consumers,
                                                              Employees Stock Option Scheme                                        Office of the Company during working hours and shall   banks and other financial institutions for their
            Risk Management                                   The Employees Stock Option Scheme (Scheme)                           be made available to any shareholder on request.  continued support.
            In compliance with Regulation 21 of the Listing   is in line with SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits)                 General
            Regulations, a Risk Management Committee has      Regulations, 2014 (SBEB Regulations). The certificate
            been constituted by the Board. The Risk Management   of Auditors regarding implementation of the                       The Company has neither issued equity shares with              FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD
            Committee, also known as Risk Management Oversight   Scheme is available for inspection of Members                     differential rights nor any sweat equity shares.
            Committee, is entrusted with roles and powers which   in electronic mode.
            includes (a) Review and approval of risk management   The applicable disclosure, as stipulated under the               There have been no material changes and
            plan (b) Review progress on the risk management   SBEB Regulations, as on 31  March 2020 with regard                   commitments affecting the financial position of the
            plan (c) Propose methodology on risk classification   to the Scheme, is provided in Annexure 4 to                      Company between the end of financial year and the   Mumbai                             M B Parekh
            and measurement.                                  this Report.                                                         date of this Report.                              Date : 17  June 2020          Executive Chairman
            The Company has laid out a risk management plan for   Extract of Annual Return
            identification and mitigation of risks. The Company   Extract of Annual Return of the Company is attached
            has also constituted a Management Risk Committee   as Annexure 5 to this Report. It is also available on the
            which is chaired by the Managing Director and has   website:
            Senior Leadership of the Company as members of
            the Committee. The Management Risk Committee      Business Responsibility Report
            identifies the key risks for the Company, develops   A Business Responsibility Report as per Regulation
            and implements the risk mitigation plan, reviews and   34 of the Listing Regulations, detailing the various
            monitors the risks and corresponding mitigation plans   initiatives taken by the Company on the environmental,
            on a regular basis and prioritises the risks, if required   social and governance front, forms an integral part of
            depending upon the effect on the business/reputation.  this Report.
            The other details in this regard are provided in the   Internal Control Systems and their Adequacy
            Report on Corporate Governance, which forms a part
            of this Annual Report.                            The Company has adequate internal financial control
                                                              procedures commensurate with its size and nature
            Contracts and Arrangements with Related Parties   of business.
            All contracts/arrangements entered into by the    The Company has appointed Internal Auditors who
            Company during the financial year with related parties   periodically audit the adequacy and effectiveness of
            (as defined in the Act and Listing Regulations) were   the internal controls laid down by the management
            in the ordinary course of business and on an arm’s   and suggest improvements.
            length basis. During the year, the Company did not   The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
            enter into any contract/arrangement/transaction with   approves the annual internal audit plan and
            related parties which could be considered as material   periodically reviews the progress of audits as per
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  required to be reported in Form No. AOC-2 in terms of   implementation of audit recommendations, if any, and
            in accordance with the policy of the Company on
                                                              approved audit plans along with critical internal audit
                                                              findings presented by internal auditors, status of
            materiality of related party transactions or which is
            Section 134(3)(h) read with Section 188 of the Act and
                                                              adequacy of internal controls.
            Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
                                                              Significant/Material orders passed by the Regulators
            The Policy on materiality of related party transactions
                                                              There are no significant/material orders passed by the
            and dealing with related party transactions, as
                                                              Regulators or Courts or Tribunals impacting the going
                                                              in future.
     42     approved by the Board, is available on the website:   concern status of the Company and its operations
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