Page 49 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 49
social & community services initiatives 47
Farmer Producer
Organisation (FPO) PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
The Company has supported
the farmers for registering and
operating the Farmer Producer
Organisation as per the
provisions of Companies
Act, 2013.
The FPO has started collective
procurement of groundnut,
which will help farmers fetch
higher prices than the local
market. The FPO helped
farmers to sell groundnut
worth ` 40 lakhs in the first
year itself, which were sold for
processing (salted, roasted,
coated and flavored) peanuts
to other parties. The FPO has
collaborated with Government
of Gujarat for the set-up of
for farm equipment at Mota
Khutavda village. The CHC is
equipped with major
agricultural implements, which
are provided to marginal
farmers at nominal rates
for use in their fields
Centre for under drip irrigation.
Agriculture-Horticulture The farmers are trained to
grow aromatic crops like
Development at Gram citronella, lemongrass, palma Milk and Animal Health
Daxina Murti, Manar rosa, vetiver, etc. as intercrops The Company has continued feed has shown encouraging
with main agriculture crops. its support to Milk and Animal results in terms of health
The Centre has successfully A steam distillation unit has Health Initiative in Mahuva improvement of cattle,
demonstrated agriculture, been commissioned for value Taluka. The farmers are trained increase in milk yield and
horticulture, aromatic, fruit, addition of these aromatic on best animal husbandry reduction in feeding cost.
and medicinal crops. crops, which will yield them practices like animal feeding, The innovative practice of
Farmers from 35 adjoining additional income. breeding, health and cattle sexed insemination has been
villages have received training We have collaborated with management. introduced at farmers' cow
at the Centre, to learn the best the State Government for Best-of-the-best (BoB) villages sheds which ensures delivery
package of practices.
of female calves. Currently,
replication of citronella in 100
PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 Low-cost technologies/ under implementation for and replicated with other 30 have delivered female
and farmers are identified,
out of the 40 gestating cows,
acres of farmers’ land, which is
their best practices are studied
methods like one farmer one
calves and the rest will deliver
expansion of aromatic crop
farmers. We observed average
cow biogas model, shade net,
during August-September
increase in milk yield by
fruit fly trap, inter cropping,
2020. Therefore, as of now we
19% per animal.
An in-house training centre
Integrated Pest and Nutrient
have achieved 100% success
for farmers is being provided,
Management (IPNM), mulching,
rate. The Company has also
border plantation, organic
formulated special recipes
farming, no-tillage farming,
of knowledge from experts,
inseminations last year with
for cattle feed. As per the
scientists and universities
etc. have been demonstrated which will help in the transfer Our team of veterinary doctors conducted 3,800 artificial
a 55% success rate.
46 along with 100% coverage to farmers. SHRI M B PAREKH REVIEWING THE feedback of farmers, the cattle