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 Swachtha Initiative                          Healthcare                                                           PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20

 The Company has collaborated                 During the year, Hanumant Hospital in Mahuva treated over
 with Swachh Bharat Mission                   63,505 outpatients, performed over 3,179 surgeries and
 (Urban) for conducting                       successfully handled 5,287 emergency cases. Four educational
 cleaniness drives starting from              training programmes were conducted for medical fraternity.
 Mahuva city. The initiative was              Seven speciality medical camps were conducted in-house and
 launched on 2  October 2019,                  in the surrounding areas under the Doctor Connect Programme.
 commemorating the 150 th  RENOVATION OF COMMUNITY
 Birth Anniversary of  TOILETS IN MAHUVA      In collaboration with the Government Health Department,
 Mahatma Gandhi.                              pediatricians from Hanumant Hospital conducted OPDs two days
 Sanitation                                   a week at various Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Community
 Major activities like regular                Health Centres (CHCs) ensuring that the best healthcare reaches
 cleaning of roads, allocation  The Company supported in   the most remote locations of Mahuva, Gujarat. Audiometry, squint
 of dustbins to households,   building 2,340 new toilets   surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery
 training safai karamcharis,   (taking total to over 13,340 till   and physiotherapy are given free of charge to detected children
 provision of fogging  date) in Mahuva Taluka. It has   with special need.
 machine, repair and  continued to work closely with
 renovation of community   the Government and provides   Hanumant Hospital is enrolled under Balsakha-3 scheme,
 toilets were initiated.  support to the households to   through which we have provided free treatment to 107 critical
 achieve the vision of open                   newborn babies during the year. Hanumant Hospital is enrolled
 A massive drive for launch   defecation-free status for  under Ayushman Bharat scheme of the Government. Under this,
 of this initiative in Mahuva city   the villages of Mahuva  we provided cashless treatment to 432 beneficiaries this year.
 was undertaken with Prabhat   Taluka, Gujarat.
 Pheri, oath taking, city cleaning            Hanumant Hospital is the only hospital in Bhavnagar district
 by Regional Commissioner of   Through the relentless  with an enrollment of Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana under the
 Municipalities, DDO Bhavnagar   e€orts of the Company  urology cluster. A total of 1,157 patients received cashless dialysis
 and various MLAs, dignitaries   in collaboration with the   service under this scheme, whereas cumulatively 3,700
 and over 1,000 citizens  Government, the district  beneficiaries availed benefit of cashless service.
 in participation.  of Bhavnagar has been
 declared Open Defecation-                    Hanumant Hospital has conducted free eye and pediatric
 Free by Government.                          checkup camps through mobile ophthalmic van in 46 villages
                                              of Mahuva and surrounding area, screened 4,250 patients
 CITY CLEANING UNDER ‘SWACHTHA DRIVE’ LAUNCHED IN MAHUVA  and conducted 127 free cataract surgeries with Introcular
                                              lenses at Hanumant Hospital in collaboration with Vision
                                              Foundation, Mumbai.

                                              Hanumant Hospital runs three schemes, namely, Chitrakutdham
                                              Arogya Scheme, Jaswant Mehta Arogya Scheme and Arogya
                                              Sanjivani Scheme and has provided free treatment to 10,590
                                              beneficiaries. Hanumant Hospital is having Arogya Fund Scheme
                                              to coordinate and help economically backward class of patients
                                              for treatment through donors. This year 435 patients were
                                              provided help amounting to ` 6.20 lakhs.
                                              In collaboration with the Health Department of Bhavnagar,
                                              a survey of malnourished children was undertaken. Children in
                                              the age group of 0-5 years were assessed from 351 Aanganwadis
                                              to address the malnutrition problem in the district.

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