Page 41 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 41


 Transfer to Reserves  on 13  January 2020 to carry on the business   Performance of Major Domestic and Overseas Subsidiaries
 of manufacturing, processing and distribution                                                     (` in crores)
 The Company does not propose to transfer amounts   of technical mortars and other materials used in   Name of Subsidiary  Sales   Sales    % Growth  EBITDA               EBITDA   % Growth
 to the general reserve.  construction. The Company holds 50% of the   2019-20   2018-19  2019-20   2018-19        PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 Term Finance  paid up share capital and has management
 control of PGPML.  Nina Percept Pvt Ltd       267.76    304.80      (12.2%)      11.50     34.08     (66.3%)
 The Company has no outstanding term loans
 (previous year NIL).  c.  Nina Percept Private Limited (NPPL), subsidiary   ICA Pidilite Pvt Ltd  185.83  168.33  10.4%  24.13  1.56  1450.1%
 of the Company along with Pidilite Speciality
 Capital Expenditure  Chemicals Pvt Ltd (PSCB), a step down subsidiary   CIPY  Poly Urethanes Pvt Ltd  121.38  155.43  (21.9%)  15.38  20.93  (26.5%)
 The total capital expenditure during the year was   of the Company, has incorporated a company on
 ` 369.03 crores (previous year ` 186.23 crores)   29  January 2020, in Bangladesh namely “Nina   Pidilite Speciality Chemicals   119.19  99.14  20.2%  18.38  17.14  7.2%
 primarily spent on fixed assets for various   Percept (Bangladesh) Pvt Ltd.” to carry on the   Bangladesh Pvt Ltd
 manufacturing units, offices, laboratories, warehouses   business of roofing and waterproofing services in   Pidilite Lanka (Pvt) Ltd  41.46  35.04  18.3%  2.91  (0.60)  584.7%
 and on information technology.  Bangladesh. NPPL holds 99% of the paid up share
 capital of Nina Percept (Bangladesh) Pvt. Ltd and
 Deposits   the balance 1% is held by PSCB.  Pidilite USA Inc  113.72  104.97  8.3%  (0.42)   1.36    (131.3%)
 The Company has not accepted any deposits covered   d.  The Company alongwith Chetana Expotential   Pulvitec do Brasil Industria e   88.12  81.80  7.7%  1.98  0.32  511.0%
 under Chapter V of the Companies Act, 2013 during   Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore has incorporated   Comercio de Colas e Adesivos Ltda
 the financial year 2019-20 (previous year NIL).  a joint venture company in the name of “Pidilite   Pidilite Industries Egypt SAE   35.03  31.64  10.7%  (0.07)  (1.92)  96.1%
 C-Techos Walling Limited” (PCWL) on 5  March   includes PIL Trading (Egypt)
 2020, to carry on the business of construction   Company
 Investment in Subsidiaries  of building works or any other structural or   Pidilite Bamco Ltd includes Bamco   60.69  63.07  (3.8%)  5.14  4.02  27.9%
 architectural work of any kind using C-Techos wall
 During the year, investment of ` 146.18 crores   technology, manufacturing of ACC panels and   Supply and Services Ltd (Thailand)
 (previous year ` 61.04 crores) was made in   other ancillary products. The Company holds 60%
 subsidiaries. Of this, ` 127.08 crores was invested in   of the paid up share capital and has management   Pidilite MEA Chemicals LLC (UAE)  109.55  100.78  8.7%  (4.14)  (7.55)  45.2%
 domestic subsidiaries and ` 19.10 crores in overseas   control of PCWL.  Overseas subsidiaries figures are at constant currency.
 e.  The Company has, for operational convenience   Nina Percept saw a decline in sales and decrease in   decline in sales due to market conditions. EBITDA in
 The investments in domestic subsidiaries were in   and synergies, entered into a business transfer   profitability due to a slowdown in the real estate sector.   these subsidiaries improved due to benefit of softer
 Madhumala Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known   agreement for acquiring the business of wholly   input cost and controlled spends.
 as Madhumala Traders Pvt. Ltd.) amounting to   owned entity, M/s. Nitin Enterprise (a partnership   ICA Pidilite reported higher sales and improved
 ` 126.47 crores and in newly incorporated subsidiaries   firm having two partners, both of which are   profitability on account of scaled up local   The subsidiary in UAE reported reduction in EBITDA
 namely Pidilite Litokol Pvt Ltd (` 0.60 crores) and   wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company) on   manufacturing.  losses due to higher sales, margin improvement and
 Pidilite Grupo Puma Manufacturing Ltd (` 0.01 crores).       cost saving initiatives.
 a slump sale basis for a cash consideration of an   Cipy witnessed lower sales and decline in profitability
 The investments in overseas subsidiaries were   amount not exceeding ` 18.50 crores subject to   on account of a slowdown in the Auto and   Consolidated Financial Statements
 in Pidilite International Pte Ltd., Singapore   necessary approvals. The acquisition process is   Engineering segment.  In accordance with the provisions of the Companies
 (` 18.03 crores), Pidilite Chemical PLC, Ethiopia   likely to be completed during the financial   The subsidiary in Bangladesh reported good sales   Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’),
 (` 0.75 Crores) and Pidilite Industries Egypt SAE   year 2020-21.  growth with healthy profitability. The second   Regulation 33 of the Securities and Exchange
 (` 0.32 crores).
 f.   Madhumala Ventures Pvt Ltd (formerly known   manufacturing plant at Bhaluka was commissioned   Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
 During the year  as Madhumala Traders Pvt Ltd), a wholly owned   during the year.  Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter referred
 subsidiary of the Company, has made three                    to as ’Listing Regulations’) and applicable Accounting
 a.  The Company along with Litokol S.p.A, Italy   strategic investments in relevant start-ups in the   Pidilite Lanka continued to grow in the current year,   Standards, the Audited Consolidated Financial
 has incorporated a joint venture subsidiary in   domain of home décor, furnishings, painting and   and reported positive EBITDA due to lower material   Statements of the Company for the financial year
 the name of “Pidilite Litokol Private Limited”   waterproofing aggregating to ` 122.48 crores.   cost and benefit of local manufacturing.  2019-20, together with the Auditors’ Report, form
 (PLPL) on 7  October 2019 to carry on the   With these investments, the Company intends to   Pidilite USA sales grew due to higher sales of Tempera,   part of this Annual Report. A statement containing
 business of chemicals epoxy grouts, chemical
                                                              the salient features of the Company’s subsidiaries,
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  b.  The Company alongwith Corporacion Empresarial   g.  Pursuant to a share purchase agreement executed   pertaining to the past period.   Form AOC- 1, are set out in Note No. 59 to the
 support and collaborate with these start ups for
            Pencil and Acrylic colours, however it reported
 based products etc. The Company holds 60% of
                                                              associate and joint venture company in the prescribed
 mutual benefits.
            a negative EBITDA due to one off tax expenses
 the paid up share capital and has management
 control of PLPL.
                                                              Consolidated Financial Statements.
 with Tenax S.p.A, Italy, the Company acquired
            Pulvitec do Brasil reported moderate sales growth and
                                                              The Consolidated Financial Statements have been
 70% of the share capital of Tenax India Stone
            higher EBITDA on account of margin improvement
 Grupo Puma S.L., Spain has incorporated a
                                                              prepared on the basis of audited financial statements
 Products Pvt. Ltd. for a cash consideration of
            and cost saving initiatives.
 joint venture subsidiary in the name of “Pidilite
                                                              of the Company, its subsidiaries, associate company
 approx. ` 80 crores. The acquisiton process was
 Grupo Puma Manufacturing Limited” (PGPML)
                                                              and joint venture, as approved by their respective
            The subsidiaries in Egypt reported moderate sales
 completed on 28  May 2020.
 38         growth. The subsidiaries in Thailand saw marginal   Board of Directors except Pulvitec do Brasil Industria e
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