Page 93 - Annual Report 2019-20
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 no employee association that is recognised by the management. The details of complaints filed during the      During the financial year 2019-20 the emissions/ waste generated by the Company were within the
 financial year are as under:  permissible limits prescribed by the State and Central Pollution Control Board.
                 There were no pending show cause notices relating to environment issues as on 31  March 2020.     PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 Sr.   Category  No. of complaints   No. of complaints
 No.  filed during the   pending as on end of      Principle 7: Business when engaged in influencing Public and Regulatory Policy, should do so in a
 financial year  the financial year  responsible manner:
 1.  Child labour / forced labour /   Nil  Nil     The Company has its representation in several business and industrial association and is a member of the
 involuntary labour  following trade / chamber / association:

 2.  Sexual harassment  1  1  •   Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
 3.  Discriminatory employment  Nil  Nil  •   Indian Speciality Chemical Manufacturers Association
                 •   Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    Safety and skill upgradation programmes are provided from time to time to the employees and over a
 period of time most of the employees are covered under such programmes. Employees are encouraged to      The Company, through its employees and representatives, actively participates in the deliberations at these
 participate in safety programmes and be acquainted with the safety measures.   trade/ chamber/ associations relating to environment, sustainability, trade and economic reforms etc. and
                 making representations to the relevant regulatory bodies during the framing of legislations/ guidelines/
    Principle 4: Businesses should respect the interests of, and be responsive towards all stakeholders,   policies.
 especially those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised:
                 Principle 8: Businesses should support inclusive growth and equitable development:
    The Company has identified its internal and external stakeholders and endeavours to maintain healthy
 engagement with these stakeholders which allows active participation and collaboration wherever possible.     The Company has been actively supporting several initiatives including self-help groups of women aimed at
    With an objective to be responsive towards stakeholders who are disadvantaged, vulnerable or   improving their economic standing and supporting farmers in ways to improve yield of the farm lands.
 marginalised, the Company continues to build on its unique initiative ‘WAGALE’ (Wanchan-Ganan-Lekhan)      These initiatives are implemented by the Company mainly through the implementing agencies as given in
 which has helped students with lesser learning abilities through training sessions incorporating practical   the Social and Community Service Initiatives report and Annexure to the Directors’ Report.
 methods, visual representations and interactions with the academically better students. The Company also
 facilitates scholarships to deserving and qualified students, having limited financial means for pursuing      Principle 9: Businesses should engage with and provide value to their customers and consumers in a
 higher education.  responsible manner:
    An art-workshop is organised every fortnight titled “rang rang Vadalia” for children with learning disabilities      The Company provides all relevant information regarding a product for the user through product labelling,
 at Spandan: A school for the intellectually challenged.  product literature, our website and our apps. We take great care to connect with our users and provide
    For further details please refer to the Social and Community Service Initiatives report, which forms part of   them information about how to use the products in a safe and effective manner.
 this Annual Report.     Our sales force remains in regular touch with the customers and collects relevant feedback from them
    Principle 5: Businesses should respect and promote human rights:  relating to their concerns, their expectations or complaints. Customer feedback or complaints received
                 from all sources is adequately addressed in a time bound manner. As at the end of financial year, there were
    The Code of Conduct is applicable to all the employees of the Company and its subsidiaries, joint ventures   nine consumer cases pending which majorly relate to perceived deficiency in waterproofing done by third
 and associate entities.  party applicators.
    It is the Company’s policy to ensure that there is no discrimination based on caste, gender, religion etc. The      We take care to ensure that our businesses do not indulge in any unfair trade practices or anti-competitive
 Company also takes care to ensure that no person below the age of 18 years is employed anywhere in the   practices.
 Company or in the units undertaking job work activities for the Company. It is also the Company’s policy
 that key vendors supplying goods/services to the Company should not employ any child labour.
    There have been no complaints received in the year under review, relating to any human rights issue.

    Principle 6: Businesses should respect, protect and make efforts to restore the environment:
    In Bhavnagar district, in cooperation with Gujarat Government, the Company has undertaken large scale
 watershed development work. This involves building of check dams, ponds, recharging of wells as well as
 desilting of existing water structures. This has resulted in recharging of ground water in several parts of the
 district. Additionally, regular tree plantation drives have been undertaken through farmer clubs, schools and
 other local organisations.
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  The Company generates renewable energy through windmill and solar power units. Additional solar power

 Large boilers and thermic fluid heaters are being operated with green fuel (Biomass) in place of fossil fuels.
 units are being installed at various manufacturing unit locations.

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