Page 88 - Annual Report 2019-20
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Inclusive and sustained growth has been a fundamental element of Pidilite’s strategy. In today’s changing ( in crores)
business dynamics, the long-term sustainability of an organisation depends on its ability to meet evolving PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
stakeholders’ expectations and create value. Stakeholders today are more aware than ever and expect 1. Paid up Capital : 50.81
businesses to operate in a fair and equitable manner. 2. Total Turnover : 6,290.43
Over the years, the Company has made progressive advancement across all three dimensions of sustainability. 3. Total profit after taxes : 1,101.62
On the economic front, through an appropriate product mix and a good understanding of customer
requirements, the Company has been consistently growing its market presence, revenues and profitability. 4. Total spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as percentage of profit after tax (%): 2.39%*
On the environment front, initiatives are focused towards resource optimisation, reduction of waste, energy and *CSR expense is 26.30 crores and current year PAT is 1,101.62 crores. The Company has spent more than
emissions across operations. Across the social dimension, the Company undertakes CSR initiatives, under various 2% of the average net profit for the last 3 years on CSR expenses.
thematic areas such as education, healthcare, agriculture and horticulture, milk and animal health, women
empowerment and rural development for local communities to name a few. In order to further enhance its 5. Few activities in which expenditure in 4 above has been incurred
sustainability performance, the Company endeavours to improve practices across its operations.
The Company has been supporting Education, Healthcare, Agriculture and Horticulture, Milk and Animal
The Company has initiated efforts towards development of a sustainability roadmap. This will drive integration Health Initiative, Rural Development, Water Resources management, Sanitation Initiatives for Women,
of sustainability considerations into core business systems and decision-making. The Company has published its Farmer Producer Organisation, Skill Development, Swachtha Initiative, Khadi Initiatives etc.
first sustainability report in accordance with GRI Standards for financial year 2018-19. For further details please refer to Social and Community Service Initiatives report.
This report conforms to the Business Responsibility Reporting (BRR) requirement of the Securities & Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘SEBI LODR’) and the C] OThER DETAILS
National Voluntary Guidelines (NVG) on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business The Company has 33 subsidiaries, both direct and indirect, as on 31 March 2020. 13 of these subsidiaries
released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India.
are in India and 20 of them are located abroad.
The Business Responsibility (BR) policies of the subsidiaries are in line with the local requirements.
1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the Company: L24100MH1969PLC014336 Currently, the subsidiary companies and other entities (suppliers/ distributors, etc.) do not participate in BR
initiatives of the Company.
2. Name of the Company: Pidilite Industries Limited
3. Registered address: Regent Chambers, 7 Floor, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, 208, Nariman Point, D] BR INFORMATION
Mumbai 400 021, Maharashtra
(1) Details of the Director/Directors responsible for BR
4. Website:
(a) Details of the Director/Directors responsible for implementation of the BR policy/policies:
5. E-mail Id:
6. Financial Year reported: 2019-20 Particulars Details
7. Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in (industrial activity code-wise):
Manufacture of Adhesives and Glues including Rubber based Glues and Adhesives (20295) 1 DIN Number 00035317
8. List three key products/services that the Company manufactures/provides (as in balance sheet) 2 Name Shri A B Parekh
(i) Adhesives & Sealants
3 Designation Whole Time Director
(ii) Construction Chemicals/ Paint Chemicals
(iii) Art & Craft Materials (b) Details of the BR head:
For additional information on segment wise products/services, please refer to “Notes to the Financial Sr.
Statements- Note 42. No. Particulars Details
9. Total number of locations where business activity is undertaken by the Company:
1 DIN Number 07183784 - Shri Sabyaschi Patnaik
(a) Number of International Locations: 6 Branches and Representative offices (On Standalone basis)
01500784 - Shri Debabrata Gupta
(b) Number of National Locations: 9 2 Name Shri Sabyaschi Patnaik
PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 10. Markets served by the Company – The Company’s products have a pan India presence and the products are 3 Designation Shri Debabrata Gupta
(upto 29.02.2020)
Manufacturing locations (States / Union
(w.e.f 01.03.2020)
Regional offices
Director – Operations
022- 2835 7313
Telephone number
also marketed in several countries like UAE, USA, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Singapore, China,
Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Hongkong, UK, Kuwait, Australia etc.
86 Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Brazil, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Kenya, France, Germany, Italy, 5 e-mail id