Page 125 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 125

Notes forming part of the financial statements  Notes forming part of the financial statements                  123

 (  in crores)                                                                                     (  in crores)
 9 Trade Receivables   11 Loans - Current
 As at  As at                                                                                As at      As at
 31 March   31 March                                                                     31 March    31 March      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 2020  2019                                                                                  2020        2019
 Secured, Considered good   104.97    87.67   Loans and Advances to Related Parties* (refer note 44)
 unsecured, Considered good   701.66    687.31   unsecured, Considered good                   9.31        4.71
 unsecured, Considered doubtful   31.02    36.82   Considered doubtful                        0.33       0.33
 unsecured which have Significant Increase in Credit Risk   -    -                            9.64       5.04
 unsecured, Credit Impaired   -    -   Less: Allowance for doubtful balances                (0.33)      (0.33)
  837.65    811.80                                                                            9.31        4.71
 Less: Allowance for expected credit loss  (31.02)  (36.82)  Loans and Advances to Employees & Others*   16.07    10.67
 TOTAL    806.63    774.98   TOTAL                                                           25.38       15.38
 The Company has used a practical expedient by computing the expected credit loss allowance for trade receivables   *Loans given for business purpose.
 based on a provision matrix. The provision matrix takes into account historical credit loss experience and is adjusted for
 forward-looking information. The expected credit loss allowance is based on the ageing of the receivable days and the
 rates as given in the provision matrix. The provision matrix at the end of the reporting period is as follows:  12 other Financial Assets - Non-Current
                                                                                             As at      As at
 Ageing  Expected Credit Loss                                                            31 March    31 March
                                                                                             2020        2019
 As at  As at
 31 March   31 March   Security Deposit                                                       13.12      10.90
 2020  2019
                Derivative Asset towards call option to buy subsidiary shares                    -        7.61
 Within the credit period (in days)
                Other Receivables
 01-90  1.0%  1.2%
                   unsecured, Considered good                                                    -          -
 91-180  73.2%  72.5%
                   Considered doubtful                                                         1.74       1.74
 181-360  60.3%  64.4%
                                                                                               1.74       1.74
 >360  81.1%  81.9%
                Less: Allowance for doubtful balances                                        (1.74)     (1.74)
 Movement in expected credit loss allowance                                                      -          -
 For the year   For the year   TOTAL                                                          13.12      18.51
 ended   ended
 31  March   31  March
 2020  2019  13  other Financial Assets - Current
 Balance at the beginning of the year    36.82    32.64                                      As at      As at
                                                                                         31 March    31 March
 Movement in expected credit loss allowance on trade receivables calculated at lifetime   (5.80)   4.18   2020  2019
 expected credit losses
                Security Deposit
 Balance at the end of the year    31.02    36.82
                   unsecured, Considered good                                                 5.82       5.58
 A formal credit policy has been framed and credit facilities are given to dealers within the framework of the credit policy.
 As per credit risk management mechanism, a policy for doubtful debt has been formulated and risk exposure related to   Considered doubtful   0.55    0.45
 receivables are identified based on criteria mentioned in the policy and provided for credit loss allowance.
                                                                                              6.37       6.03
 Trade receivables includes receivables from Companies/firms where directors are directors/ members/ partners
                   Less: Allowance for doubtful balances
 (refer note 44).         Derivative assets towards Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts      (0.55)      (0.45)
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  unsecured, Considered good  31 March   31 March   Derivative Asset towards call option to buy subsidiary shares    0.24    3.64
 10 Loans - Non-Current
 As at
 As at
                Other Receivables*
 Loans and Advances to Employees & Others*
                *Includes Windmill income
 *Loans given for business purpose.
 122  TOTAL    4.04    2.94
   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130