Page 157 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 157

Notes forming part of the financial statements  Notes forming part of the financial statements                  155

 (  in crores)                                                                                     (  in crores)
 48 Taxes    2  Income Taxes relating to continuing operations
 1  Deferred Tax  a  Income Tax recognised in profit or loss                                                       PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20

 As at    As at                                                                           st  As at    st   As at
 31  March    31 March                                                                  31  March    31 March
 2020  2019                                                                                2020          2019
                Current Tax
 Deferred Tax Assets   (38.60)   (28.26)
                    In respect of the current year                                         368.65      438.43
 Deferred Tax Liabilities   114.57    141.23
                    In respect of prior years                                                  -       (52.87)
 TOTAL   75.97    112.97
                    TOTAL                                                                  368.65       385.56
 a  2019- 2020   Deferred Tax
 Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liabilities in relation to :  In respect of the current year      (33.32)        11.45
 Opening   Recognised in   Recognised    Closing    TOTAL                                 (33.32)        11.45
 Balance  Profit or loss  in Other    balance  Total Income Tax expense recognised in the current year relating to continuing operations   335.33    397.01
 sive Income
 Property, Plant and Equipment   51.95    (33.87)   -    18.08   b  The Income Tax expense for the year can be reconciled to the accounting profit as follows:
                                                                                            As at       As at
 Intangible Assets   72.08    0.99    -    73.07                                        31  March    31 March
                                                                                           2020          2019
 FVTPL Financial Assets   17.07    (12.84)   -    4.23
                Profit Before Tax                                                         1,436.95     1,376.45
 Provisions for VRS   0.12    (0.12)   -    -
                    Income Tax Rate (%)                                                     25.17       34.94
 Allowance for doubtful debts   (12.86)   5.05    -    (7.81)
                    Income Tax expense                                                     361.65      480.99
 Provision for Employee Benefits   (14.99)   6.34    (3.68)   (12.33)  Effect of income that is exempt from taxation   (4.19)   (6.49)
 Share issue and buy-back costs   (0.40)   1.88    -    1.48   Effect of expenses that are not deductible in determining taxable profit   21.93    4.59
                    Effect of concessions (research and development and backward area deductions)   (3.46)   (17.05)
 Others   -    (0.75)   -    (0.75)
                    Effect of lower rate of tax                                           (48.22)       (17.72)
 TOTAL   112.97    (33.32)   (3.68)   75.97
                    Others                                                                   7.62        5.56
 b  2018- 2019
                    TOTAL                                                                  335.33      449.88
 Deferred Tax (Assets)/ Liabilities in relation to:  Adjustments recognised in the current year in relation to the current tax for    -   (52.87)
                     prior years
 Property, Plant and Equipment   52.59    (0.64)   -    51.95
                Income tax expense recognised in profit or loss                            335.33      397.01
 Intangible Assets   63.80    8.28    -    72.08
                * The Tax rate used for the above reconciliation is the corporate tax rate of 25.168% (34.944% for the year ended 31  March 2019)
                payable by corporate entities in India on taxable profits under Indian Tax Law.
 FVTPL Financial Assets   16.68    0.39    -    17.07
 Provisions for VRS   (2.49)   2.61    -    0.12
                 Income Tax recognised in Other Comprehensive Income
 Allowance for doubtful debts   (11.41)   (1.46)   -    (12.86)                             As at       As at
                                                                                        31  March    31  March
 Provision for Employee Benefits   (13.10)   (0.50)   (1.39)   (14.99)  Tax arising on income and expenses recognised in Other Comprehensive Income:   3.68   2018
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  Total   102.90    11.45    (1.39)   112.97   Total Income Tax recognised in Other Comprehensive Income   3.68    1.39
 Share issue and buy-back costs
                    Re-measurement of Defined Benefit Obligation

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