Page 153 - Annual Report 2019-20
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notes forming part of the financial statements  notes forming part of the financial statements                   151

 47 Financial Instruments   (E)  Foreign currency risk management
               The carrying amounts of the Company’s foreign currency denominated monetary assets and monetary liabilities at the end of
 (A)   Capital Management  the reporting period are as follows:                                                    PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 The Company manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Company will be able to continue as going concerns while       Foreign Currency Exposure    Foreign Currency Exposure
 maximising the return to stakeholders through the optimum utilisation of the equity balance. The capital structure of the      (in FC)  (  in crores)
 Company consists of only equity of the Company. The Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements.      31  March     31  March     31  March     31  March
                                                                   2020         2019         2020          2019
 (B)   Categories of financial instruments
 (  in crores)  Amounts recoverable/ (advance) in foreign currency on account of the following:
               EuR                                             7,99,474.10    14,88,215.92    6.65          11.56
 As at    As at
 31  March    31  March    uSD                               1,18,56,074.29   1,49,08,116.35    89.42      103.13
 2020  2019
               AuD                                              38,745.00           -          0.18            -
 Financial Assets   Amounts (payable)/ advance in foreign currency on account of the following:
 Measured at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)  AED    2,36,491.04    41,460.00       0.49          0.08
 Investments in Mutual funds, Preference Shares, Debentures and Bonds   1,025.81    1,515.91   AuD   1,820.00    1,820.00    0.01    0.01
 Derivative assets towards Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts   1.70    0.03   BDT*   50,000.00    50,000.00    0.00    0.00
 Derivative Asset towards call option to buy subsidiary shares    0.24    7.61   ChF   (5,212.31)   27,261.36    (0.04)   0.19
 Measured at amortised cost  EuR                             (2,86,454.95)   3,70,602.70     (2.38)         2.88
 Trade Receivables   806.63    774.98   GBP                   (1,65,553.39)  (4,75,406.00)   (1.54)        (4.30)
               JPy                                          (75,78,800.00) (60,58,500.00)    (0.53)        (0.38)
 Cash and Cash Equivalents   564.17    60.24
               SGD                                                     -    (89,517.00)          -         (0.46)
 Other Bank balances   4.67    56.94
               uSD                                          (1,42,44,907.61) (1,27,67,358.70)   (107.44)   (88.32)
 Loans   29.42    18.32
               ZAR                                              64,255.58    83,679.60        0.03          0.04
 Other Financial Assets   19.41    20.12
           * BDT exposure is   44,400 as at 31  March 2020 (  41,110 as at 31  March 2019).
 Total Financial Assets   2,452.05    2,454.15
               (i)  Foreign currency sensitivity analysis
 Financial Liabilities
                  The Company is mainly exposed to the uSD, EuR and JPy. The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a 2%
 Measured at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)  increase or decrease in the uSD, EuR and JPy against InR with all other variables held constant. The sensitivity analysis is
                  prepared on the net unhedged exposure of the Company as at the reporting date. 2% represents management assessment
 Derivative liabilities towards Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts   0.42    0.96   of reasonably possible changes in foreign exchange rates.
 Derivative liability towards put option to buy subsidiary shares    34.83    42.20                   (  in crores)
 Measured at amortised cost (including trade payables)                                       USD impact
 Trade Payables   494.81    449.15                                                          For the      For the
                                                                                        year ended    year ended
 Lease Liabilities   73.34   -                                                       31 March 2020  31  March 2019
 Other Financial Liabilities   524.42    443.70   Impact on profit or loss for the year (a)   (0.36)        0.30
 Total Financial Liabilities   1,127.82    936.01
                                                                                             EUR impact
 (C)   Financial risk management objectives
                                                                                            For the      For the
 The Company’s Corporate Treasury function provides services to the business, co-ordinates access to domestic and   year ended    year ended
 international financial markets, monitors and manages the financial risks relating to the operations of the Company through   31 March 2020  31  March 2019
 internal risk reports which analyse exposures by degree and magnitude of risks. These risks include market risk, credit risk
 and liquidity risk. The Company undertakes transactions denominated in foreign currencies; consequently, exposures to   Impact on profit or loss for the year (b)   0.09    0.06
 exchange rate fluctuations arise. Exchange rate exposures are managed within approved policy parameters utilising foreign
 exchange forward contracts. Compliance with policies and exposure limits is a part of Internal Financial Controls. The
                                                                                              JPY impact
 Company does not enter into or trade in financial instruments, including derivative financial instruments, for speculative   31 March 2020  31  March 2019
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  (D)   Market risk     Impact on profit or loss for the year (c)   (0.01)   (0.01)
 purposes. The Corporate Treasury function reports quarterly to the Company’s risk management committee, an independent
                                                                                                         For the
                                                                                            For the
 body that monitors risks and policies implemented to mitigate risk exposures.
                                                                                        year ended
                                                                                                      year ended
 The Company’s activities expose it primarily to the financial risk of changes in foreign currency exchange rates (see note E
 below). The Company enters into foreign exchange forward contracts to manage its exposure to foreign currency risk of
 net imports.
               (a) This is mainly attributable to the exposure of outstanding uSD receivables and payables at the end of the
                  reporting period.
               (b)  This is mainly attributable to the exposure of outstanding EuR receivables and payables at the end of the
                  reporting period.
               In management’s opinion, the sensitivity analysis is unrepresentative of the inherent foreign exchange risk because the exposure
               at the end of the reporting period does not reflect the exposure during the year.
 150           (c) This is mainly attributable to the exposure of outstanding JPy payables at the end of the reporting period.
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