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Shri Gupta is a fit and proper person for the post of   for participating in the Board and other meetings and   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON DIRECTORS SEEKING ELECTION AT THE
 Whole Time Director. The remuneration payable to   profit related commission within the limits stipulated
 him is fair and reasonable. The proposed remuneration   under Section 197 of the Act. Copy of draft letter of   ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
 payable is within the limits specified in Schedule V   appointment of Shri Aga setting out the terms and   [under Regulation 36(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015]:
 of the Companies Act, 2013. The Members’ approval   conditions of appointment is available for inspection by
 is required for the same under Schedule V and other   the Members through electronic mode, on the basis of
 applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.  request being sent on   Resolution/  3  4  5  6  7 & 8  9
 The above may be treated as written memorandum   Shri Aga is interested in this resolution with regard to   Item No
 setting out the terms of appointment of Shri Gupta    his re-appointment. Save and except the above, none   Name of   Shri A B Parekh  Shri N K Parekh  Shri Bharat Puri  Shri A N Parekh  Shri Debabrata  Shri Sanjeev Aga
 u/s 190 of the Act.  of the other Directors, Key Managerial Personnel of the   Director  Gupta
 Except Shri Debabrata Gupta, none of the other   Company and their relatives are, in any way, concerned
 Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company   or interested, financially or otherwise, in this resolution.   Age  62 years  82 years  59 years  48 years  57 years  68 years
 and their relatives are interested or concerned,   This statement may also be regarded as an appropriate
 financially or otherwise, in this resolution.  disclosure under the Act and the Listing Regulations.   Date of first   26/06/1985  28/07/1969  28/05/2008  01/07/2005  01/03/2020  29/07/2011
 The Board recommends this resolution for approval by   The Board recommends the Special Resolution, as set   on the Board
 the Members.  out in Item No. 9 of the Notice, for approval by the
 Item No. 9  Members.  Qualification  B.Chem (Engg.),   B.Sc.,    MBA from the   B. S. Chem.   Alumni of IIT   Graduate in
                                                                    Engg. (U.S.A)
                                                     Indian Institute
                       M.B.A (USA)
                                       B.Sc (Tech),
                                                                                                 Physics from
 Shri Sanjeev Aga (DIN: 00022065) was appointed as   Item No. 10  M.S. Chem.   of Management,    St. Stephen’s
 an Independent Director of the Company and he holds   The Board, on the recommendation of Audit Committee   Engg. (USA)  Ahmedabad  College and Post
 office as an Independent Director of the Company up   has approved the appointment and remuneration of an   Graduate from the
 to the conclusion of 51  AGM.   amount not exceeding   1,73,500/- (Rupees One Lakh              Indian Institute of
 Shri Aga has been associated with the Company   Seventy Three Thousand Five Hundred Only),      Management,
 since 2011. Considering the expertise and rich   plus applicable taxes, for the financial year ending
 experience of Shri Aga and his valuable contributions   31  March 2021 payable to the Cost Auditor    Experience   For details,   For details, please refer to the Explanatory statement to the AGM Notice.
 to the Company, the Nomination and Remuneration   M/s. V J Talati & Co., Cost Accountants to conduct   (including   please refer to
 Committee and the Board, at their meetings held on    the audit of the cost records of the Company for   expertise   the Corporate
 17  June 2020, have recommended the re-appointment   the aforesaid financial year. In accordance with the   in specific   Governance
 of Shri Sanjeev Aga as an Independent Director for    provisions of Section 148 of the Act and the Companies   functional   Report
          area)/ Brief
 a second consecutive term from the conclusion of the   (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, the remuneration   Resume
 51  AGM upto 31  March 2025.  payable to the Cost Auditor, as recommended by the
 Audit Committee and approved by the Board, has to
 The Board, based on the performance evaluation   be ratified by the Members of the Company.   Terms and   Whole-time   Non- Executive   Managing   Whole-time   Whole-time   Independent
                                                                    Director liable to  Director
 and as per the recommendation of the Nomination   Conditions of   Director liable to  Director liable to  Director not   retire by rotation designated   for second
                                       retire by rotation liable to retire
                       retire by rotation
 and Remuneration Committee, considers that, given   Accordingly, consent of the Members is sought   re-appointment   by rotation  as Director-  consecutive term
 his background, experience and contributions made   for passing an Ordinary Resolution, as set out in   Operations   of 5 years up to
 by him during his tenure, the continued association   the Item No. 10 of the Notice, for ratification of the   liable to retire   31  March 2025
 of Shri Aga would be beneficial to the Company and   remuneration payable to the Cost Auditor for the   by rotation
 it is desirable to continue to avail his services as an   financial year ending 31  March 2021.
 Independent Director. Accordingly, it is proposed to   None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel of the   Remuneration   For details, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report.
 re-appoint Shri Aga as an Independent Director of the   Company and their relatives are in any way concerned   last drawn
 Company, not liable to retire by rotation, for a second   or interested, financially or otherwise in the resolution.  (FY 2019-20)
 consecutive term commencing from the conclusion   The Board recommends the resolution for approval
 of 51  AGM up to 31  March 2025 on the Board of the   by the Members.
 Company.   Remuneration   As approved by   As per   As per the     As per the     As per the    As per
          proposed to    the Members at   Remuneration   resolution at   resolution at   resolution at   Remuneration
 Shri Aga is not disqualified from being appointed   be paid  the Annual General  Policy  Item No. 5 of   Item No. 6 of   Item No. 8 of   Policy
 as a Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act   BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS  Meeting held on    the Notice   the Notice   the Notice
 and has given his consent to act as a Director. The   30  August 2018  convening this   convening this   convening this
 Company has also received declaration from Shri Aga   Meeting read   Meeting read   Meeting read
 stating that he meets the criteria of independence as   Place   : Mumbai   PUNEET BANSAL   with explanatory  with explanatory  with explanatory
 prescribed both under Section 149(6) of the Act and   Date   : 17  June 2020    COMPANY SECRETARY  statement   statement   statement
 under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations.  Registered Office:   thereto  thereto  thereto
 In the opinion of the Board, Shri Aga fulfils the   Regent Chambers, 7  floor,    Other   1.  Vinyl Chemicals  1.  Vinyl   1.  Tata Consumer  1.  Nina Percept   None  1.  UFO Moviez
 conditions for appointment as an Independent Director   Jamnalal Bajaj Marg,   Companies   (India) Ltd.  Chemicals   Products Ltd.   Pvt. Ltd.   India Ltd.
 as specified in the Act and the Listing Regulations and   208, Nariman Point,    in which he   2. Fevicol   (India) Ltd.  (formerly   (Deemed   2. Mahindra
 he is independent of the management.   Mumbai 400 021.   is a Director   Company Ltd.  2. Fevicol   known as   Public   Holidays &
 Tel   : 91 22 2835 7000    excluding                  Tata Global    Company)
 Details of Shri Aga are provided in the “Annexure” to   Fax   : 91 22 2821 6007   Section 8   3. Parekh   Company Ltd.  Beverages Ltd.)  Resorts India
 the Notice. He shall be paid remuneration by way of   E-mail  :    companies   Marketing Ltd.  3. Parekh   Ltd.
 fee for attending meetings of the Board or Committees   Website :    and Private   4. Building   Marketing Ltd.  2. ICA Pidilite   3. Larsen & Toubro
 thereof or for any other purpose whatsoever as may   CIN   : L24100MH1969PLC014336   Companies  Envelope   4. Kalva   Pvt. Ltd.   Infotech Ltd.
                                                       (Deemed Public
 be decided by the Board, reimbursement of expenses   Systems India   Marketing and   Company)   4. Larsen & Toubro
                         Ltd.           Services Ltd.                                              Ltd.
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