Page 259 - Annual Report 2019-20
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    INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS FOR ATTENDING   VII. Shri M M Sheth, Practising Company Secretary   Pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013
 THE AGM THROUGH VC/ OAVM ARE AS UNDER:  (Membership No. FCS 1455 CP No. 729) or   (the ‘Act’)
    1.   Members will be able to attend the AGM   failing him, Smt. Ami M Sheth (Membership No.   Item No. 4     ii.   Other Perquisites/ Allowances:
 through VC/ OAVM or view the live    ACS 24127 CP No. 13976) have been appointed   This statement is provided, though strictly not         Following Perquisites/ Allowances shall not
 webcast of AGM provided by NSDL at    as the ‘Scrutinizer’ to scrutinize remote e-voting   required as per section 102 of the Act.  exceed an amount of   1,20,00,000 (Rupees by using   process and also e-voting at the AGM in a fair   Shri N K Parekh (Vice-Chairman) (DIN: 00111518),   One Crore Twenty Lakhs only) per annum, on a
 their remote e-voting login credentials and   and transparent manner.  is due to retire by rotation and being eligible offers   cost to company basis:
 selecting the EVEN for Company’s AGM.   himself for re-appointment as a Non-Executive
 VIII. The Scrutinizer shall immediately after the                   a.   Residential Accommodation:
    2.   Members who do not have the User ID and   conclusion of voting at the AGM, first scrutinise   Director of the Company.            The Company shall provide rent free
 Password for e-voting or have forgotten the   the votes cast at the AGM, thereafter unlock the   In terms of the Regulation 17(1A) of the SEBI   furnished accommodation to Shri Bharat
 User ID and Password may retrieve the same   votes cast through remote e-voting and shall   (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)   Puri or shall give House Rent Allowance of
 by following the remote e-voting instructions   make not later than 48 hours of conclusion of   Regulations, 2015, (Listing Regulations) in past,   an amount not exceeding 20% of Salary.
            members have approved, by passing Special
 mentioned in the Notice. Further Members can   the Meeting, a consolidated Scrutiniser’s Report   Resolution by means of Postal Ballot as well as in the         b.   Reimbursement of gas, electricity, water.
 also use the OTP based login for logging into   of the total votes cast in favour or against, if any,   50  AGM held on 6  August 2019, continuation of         c.   Furnishings/ Furnitures/ Equipments and
 the e-voting system of NSDL.  tenure of directorship of Shri N K Parekh as    Home Appliances.
 to the Chairman or a person authorised by him   Non-Executive Director.
    3.   Facility of joining the AGM through VC/   in writing who shall countersign the same.        d.   Reimbursement of travel and stay
 OAVM shall open 30 minutes before the time   IX.   The Results alongwith the Scrutinizer’s Report   Shri N K Parekh has been serving as a Director of   expenses for proceeding on leave once a
                                                                         year in respect of self and family including
            the Company since 1969 and is a promoter of the
 scheduled for the AGM and will be available for   shall be placed on the Company’s website    Company. It would be in interest of the Company   all expenses in connection with the travel
 Members on first come first served basis. and on the website of NSDL   to continue to avail his services as a Non-Executive   and stay for self and family.
    4.   Members are advised to join the Meeting using   within 48 hours of conclusion of the 51  AGM of   Director of the Company.         e.   Reimbursement of membership fees/
 stable Wi-Fi or LAN Connection to mitigate   the Company and communicated to BSE Limited   A brief profile of Shri N K Parekh as stipulated under   subscription for 2 clubs in India.
 any kind of aforesaid glitches and disturbance   and National Stock Exchange of India Limited.  Regulation 36(3) of Listing Regulations is given in this         f.   Medical and Personal Accident Insurance.
 during the meeting.                                                 g.   Company’s car/s with driver.
            Shri N K Parekh and his relative Shri A N Parekh are
    5.   Members who need assistance before or    interested in this resolution.         h.   Reimbursement of actual medical
 during the AGM, can contact NSDL on    Save and except above, none of the other Directors,   expenses incurred in India and/or abroad 1800-222-990 or contact    Key Managerial Personnel of the Company and their   including hospitalisation for self and family.
 Mr. Amit Vishal, Senior Manager – NSDL at    relatives are concerned or interested, financially or         i.   Other Allowances as may be approved by 022-24994360 or Mr. Sagar   otherwise, in this resolution.   the Board from time to time.
 Ghosalkar, Assistant Manager- NSDL at    The Board of Directors recommends the Special         The Board will decide the increment upto 022-24994553.   Resolution for approval by the Members.   a ceiling of 15% of the amounts specified in
            Item No. 5                                               Item No. A, B, C and D above. Subsequent
    6.   Members who would like to express their                     increment will become due on 1  April every
 views or ask questions during the AGM may   In accordance with the recommendation of the   year and the Board will decide the increment
            Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the
 register themselves as a speaker by sending   Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting   upto 15% of the amounts specified in Item
 their request from their registered email   held on 5  March 2020 have, subject to approval    No. A, B, C and D above and drawn in the
                                                                     immediate previous year.
 address mentioning their name, DP ID and   of the Members, re-appointed Shri Bharat Puri
 Client ID/folio number, PAN, mobile number    (DIN: 02173566) as the Managing Director of the      iii.   Following perquisites/benefits over and above
                                                                     the ceiling prescribed in (D)(ii) above:
 at from    Company for a further period of 5 years with effect
 5  September 2020 (9:00 a.m. IST) to    from 10  April 2020 on the following terms and         a.   Telephone and other communication
                                                                         facilities at residence.
 7  September 2020 (5:00 p.m. IST). Those
 Members who have registered themselves   A.   Salary:               b.   Encashment of unavailed earned leave as
                                                                         per rules of the Company.
 as a speaker will only be allowed to express      Salary of   5,37,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crore
 their views/ask questions during the AGM.   Thirty Seven Lakhs only) per annum with first      iv.   In addition to the above remuneration, the
                increment due on 1  April 2021.
                                                                     Company, subject to necessary approvals, shall
 The Company reserves the right to restrict the   B.   Special Allowance:  offer the Managing Director stock options.
 number of speakers and number of questions                   E.   Commission:
 depending on the availability of time for       An amount of   1,55,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore
                Fifty Five Lakhs only) per annum.
 the AGM.                                                        Shri Bharat Puri shall be entitled to commission
            C.   Variable Pay:                                   of an amount of 0.25% of the net profits of the
                An amount not exceeding 60% of basic salary.     Company, to be determined by the Board from time
                                                                 to time based on the net profits of the Company
            D.   Perquisites/ Benefits/ Allowances:              subject to overall ceiling laid down in Sections 197
                i.    Contribution to Provident Fund, payment of   and 198 of the Companies Act, 2013.
                    Superannuation/ Gratuity:                    Shri Puri, aged 59 years, is a graduate in Commerce
                    a.   Contribution to Provident Fund as per   and has completed his Post Graduate Diploma
                       rules of the Company.                     in Business Administration from the Indian
                    b.   Superannuation benefits as per rules of   Institute of Management-Ahmedabad. He has vast
                       the Company.                              experience of over 37 years in the field of Sales,
 8                  c.   Gratuity payment as per rules of the    Marketing and General Management in leading      9
                                                                 FMCG Companies viz. Asian Paints, Cadbury,
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