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Kraft Foods and Mondelez International, both in   ii.  a.   Contribution to Provident Fund as per rules   Save and except above, none of the other Directors,   ceiling of 15% of the salary. Subsequent increment
 India and abroad. Last remuneration drawn by   of the Company.  Key Managerial Personnel and their relatives are   will become due on 1  April every year and the
 Shri Puri is as approved by the Members earlier.       b.   Superannuation benefits as per rules of the   concerned or interested (financially or otherwise), in   Board will decide increment upto 15% of salary
 In accordance with the provisions of Regulation   Company.  any way, in this resolution.  drawn in the immediate previous year.
 36(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure   The Board recommends this resolution for approval by   II.   Allowances:
 Requirements), Regulations, 2015, a brief profile of       c.   Gratuity payment as per rules of the   the Members.
 Shri Puri is given as an annexure to this Notice and   Company.      5,96,750/- (Rupees Five Lakh Ninety Six
 forms part of this explanatory statement.  iii.  Other Perquisites/ Allowances:  Item No. 7  Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Only) per month
    Shri Puri is a fit and proper person for the post      Following Perquisites/ Allowances shall not   The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed,   and the increment will be subject to a ceiling of
                                                                 15% per annum.
 of Managing Director. The terms and conditions   exceed an amount equivalent to the annual salary:  pursuant to the provisions of Section 161(1) of the
 of his re-appointment are fair and reasonable.   Act and the Articles of Association of the Company,    III.  Perquisites:
 It would be in the interest of the Company      a.   Reimbursement of gas, electricity, water.  Shri Debabrata Gupta (DIN: 01500784) as an   i.   Housing: House Rent Allowance of   3,00,000/-
 to continue to avail services of Shri Puri as a      b.   Furnishings/ Furnitures/ Equipments and   Additional Director of the Company with effect    per month which may be revised from time to
 Managing Director.  Home Appliances.  from 1  March 2020.       time as per rules of the Company as applicable to
    The above may be treated as written memorandum      c.   Reimbursement of travel and stay expenses   In terms of the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Act,   senior employees.
 setting out the terms of re-appointment of    for proceeding on leave once a year in   Shri Debabrata Gupta would hold office up to the date   ii.  Car Allowance (including driver allowance and
 Shri Puri u/s 190 of the Act. The Members approval   respect of self and family including all   of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.  fuel allowance) of   1,02,500/- per month which
 is required for the above under Schedule V and   expenses in connection with the travel and   Shri Debabrata Gupta, aged 57 years, has a multi-  may be revised from time to time as per rules of
 other applicable provisions of the Companies    stay for self and family.  industry experience of over 30 years with noted   the Company.
 Act, 2013.  corporates like Hindustan Unilever Limited, Coca Cola   iii.  Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) as may be
    Except Shri Puri, none of the other Directors      d.   Reimbursement of membership fees/  India, Reckitt Benckiser (India) Private Limited, USV   granted from time to time.
 subscription for 2 clubs in India.
 or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company   Private Limited and UPL Limited. Shri Gupta, an alumni   IV.  Other Benefits:
 and their relatives are interested or concerned,      e.   Medical and Personal Accident Insurance.  of IIT Kharagpur, has had a long and successful career
 financially or otherwise, in this resolution.     f.   Other Allowances as may be approved by the   which brings a very rich suite of experience that will      Other Benefits shall include use of telephone
    The Board of Directors recommends this   Board from time to time.  certainly enrich Company’s Manufacturing Operations   for the Company’s business at residence (the
                                                                 expenses whereof, excepting personal long
 Resolution for approval by the Members.  iv.  Following perquisites/ benefits over and above   Function. In accordance with the provisions of   distance calls, would be borne and paid by
            Regulation 36(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
 Item No. 6  the ceiling prescribed in (D)(iii) above:  Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, a brief   the Company), contribution to Provident and
 Shri A N Parekh (DIN: 00111366) was appointed as the      a.   Company’s car/s with driver/s and/or other   profile of Shri Gupta is given as an annexure to this   Superannuation Funds and all other benefits
 Whole Time Director from 1  July 2015 to 30  June   suitable conveyance facilities.   Notice and forms part of this explanatory statement.  as are applicable to senior employees of the
 2020. The Board of Directors of the Company, at their      b.   Telephone and other communication facilities   The Company has received a notice in writing from a   Company (including but not limited to gratuity,
 meeting held on 17  June 2020 have, subject to the   at residence.  member under Section 160 of the Act proposing the   medical benefits, leave entitlement, encashment
 approval of Members, re-appointed Shri A N Parekh   candidature of Shri Gupta for the office of Director of   of leave) in accordance with the schemes of the
 as Whole Time Director for a further period of 5 (five)      c.   Reimbursement of actual medical expenses   the Company.  Company.
 years with effect from 1  July 2020 on the following   incurred in India and/or abroad including   V.   Other Perquisites:
 terms and conditions, based on the recommendation   hospitalisation for self and family. (Family   Shri Gupta is not disqualified from being appointed as      Other Perquisites (including allowances not
 of Nomination and Remuneration Committee:  shall mean spouse, children and parents).  a Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act and has   covered above) in such form and to such extent as
 A.   Salary:     d.   Encashment of unavailed earned leave as per   given his consent to act as a Director.  may be decided by the Managing Director subject
    Salary of   4,44,148 (Rupees Four Lakhs Forty   rules of the Company.  The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has   to a ceiling of   7,00,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakh
            recommended the appointment of Shri Gupta as a
 Four Thousand One Hundred and Forty Eight   Perquisites shall be evaluated as per Income Tax Rules   Director.  Only) per annum.
 Only) per month with first increment due on    where applicable.     The increment will be determined by the Board
 1  October 2020 (for the period from 1  October,   Shri A N Parekh, aged 48 years, is a Chemical   Keeping in view his vast expertise and knowledge, it   of Directors on the recommendation of the
 2020 to 31  March 2021). The Board will decide   Engineer with qualification of B.S. Chem Engg (U.S.A)   will be in the interest of the Company that, Shri Gupta   Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
 the increment upto a ceiling of 15% of the salary.   having experience of 26 years. Last remuneration   be appointed as a Director of the Company.     In accordance with the resolution, within the
 Subsequent increment will become due on 1  April   drawn by Shri A N Parekh is as approved by the   Except, Shri Debabrata Gupta, none of the other   aforesaid limits, the amount of salary and
 every year and the Board will decide increment   Members earlier. In accordance with the provisions   Directors, Key Managerial Personnel of the Company   perquisites payable to Shri Gupta (including the
 upto 15% of salary drawn in the immediate   and their relatives are concerned or interested,   types and amount of each type of perquisite) will
 previous year.  of Regulation 36(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and   financially or otherwise in this resolution.  be decided by the Managing Director from time to
 Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, a brief
 B.   Commission:  profile of Shri A N Parekh is given as an annexure   The Board recommends this Resolution for approval   time as he may deem fit in his absolute discretion.
    Shri A N Parekh shall be entitled to commission,   to this Notice and forms part of this explanatory   by the Members.     The valuation of perquisites will be as per the
 the amount of it shall be determined by the Board   statement.   Item No. 8  Income-tax Rules, 1962, in cases where the same
 from time to time based on the net profits of the   Shri A N Parekh is a fit and proper person for the post   is otherwise not possible to be evaluated.
 Company subject to overall ceiling laid down in   of Whole Time Director. The terms and conditions of   The Board of Directors of the Company at their   Shri Gupta, aged 57 years, has a multi-industry
 Sections 197 and 198 of the Companies Act, 2013.  his re-appointment are fair and reasonable. It would   meeting held on 29  January 2020 have, subject to   experience of over 30 years with noted corporates
            the approval of Members, appointed Shri Debabrata
 C.   Special Allowance:  be in the interest of the Company to continue to avail   Gupta (DIN: 01500784) as a Whole Time director   like Hindustan Unilever Limited, Coca Cola India,
    The amount shall be determined by the Board   services of Shri A N Parekh as Whole Time Director.   of the Company, designated as Director-Operations   Reckitt Benckiser (India) Private Limited, USV Private
 from time to time but shall not exceed the amount   The above may be treated as written memorandum   for a period of 3 (three) years from 1  March 2020,   Limited and UPL Limited. Shri Gupta, an alumni of
 equivalent to annual salary.  setting out the terms of re-appointment of    on the following terms and conditions based on the   IIT Kharagpur, has had a long and successful career
 D.   Perquisites/Benefits/ Allowances:  Shri A N Parekh u/s 190 of the Act. The Members’   recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration   which brings a very rich suite of experience that will
                                                              certainly enrich Company’s Manufacturing Operations
 i.   Residential Accommodation:  approval is required for the above under Schedule V   I.   Salary:  Function. In accordance with the provisions of
 and other applicable provisions of the Companies
    The Company shall provide rent free furnished   Act, 2013.  Regulation 36(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
 accommodation to Shri A N Parekh or shall give      Salary of   6,00,000/- (Rupees Six Lakhs Only)   Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015, a brief
 House Rent Allowance equivalent to 30% of the   Shri A N Parekh and his relative Shri N K Parekh are   per month with first increment due on 1  April   profile of Shri Gupta is given as an annexure to this
 10  salary or shall provide combination of both.  interested in this resolution.  2021. The Board will decide the increment upto a   Notice and forms part of this explanatory statement.   11
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