Page 6 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 6
‘‘I work as an assistant DIGITALLY UPSKILLING
plumber in Vizag.
My daily livelihood was lost OUR PARTNERS
because of the lockdown
and I was worried about As everyone adapts to new
supporting my family amid way of working, it’s also the
this crisis. I did not expect best time to upgrade our
that any Company will come knowledge. We used digital
platforms to empower our
to the plumber community’s users and partners with
rescue in this pandemic. training modules on basic
While no other company has and advanced waterproofing
interacted personally with us techniques, online product
during the lockdown, Pidilite demos and COVID-19 safety
ocials have been in touch guidelines. This helped our
with us since the first week partners feel better equipped
of lockdown to remain to restart work.
apprised of our well-being.
Pidilite ocials did not just
interact with us over call,
they also met us and
distributed essential grocery
items to help us make ends
meet. I am thankful to
Pidilite for thinking about
us during this crisis.”
Mr. Ravi Kumar
Building Bonds…
from a Distance!
The Delhi A team successfully put up a unique Fevicol display
drive that garnered a lot of appreciation from all. Huge drums
of Fevicol were used to create a ‘social distancing’ wall at the
shop entrance, encouraging customers to maintain required
distance. The drive titled ‘Fevicol ka Border Mazboot Hai’
ensured strong brand equity and a big shout out of the
availability of stock everywhere.