Page 11 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 11
Upskill and Upgrade
The Learning Management
We moved towards a model of working that System on HRKwik enabled
and delivered value-creating
has truly adapted to the social, economic and learning programmes for
employees during lockdown.
technological influences of the current need of The focus was on re-skilling LEARNING AND
our times. These new ways of working have made at the division level as well DISCOVERING
as upskilling through new
us adapt positively in how we innovate and modules to develop additional
skills. These modules reached
communicate. We are embracing digital an average adoption Various employee
engagement programmes
percentage of over 90% and
transformation, not just to survive but to thrive eectiveness score of over were conducted online, to
help employees stay active
and collaborate e ectively, which has led to greater 70%. This has depicted that and creative while at home.
we are willing to learn during
Creative sessions on hobbies,
ownership and thrust to better ourselves every day. these VUCA (volatile, photography, food, movies,
uncertain, complex,
ambiguous) times. kitchen gardening etc.
helped employees discover
new passions. Holistic
well-being sessions on
nutrition and fitness as well
as mental health were helpful
for all. These online
workshops received excellent
response and participation
from far and wide.
I joined Pidilite in August 2019 as a TSI. In my 6-year
career across three organisations, Pidilite has been the
best in terms of culture and employee centricity.
Here everyone is treated with respect and is given a
stable and healthy environment to work. Seniors have
constantly motivated me to learn and achieve targets.
Even in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic,
Pidilite has gone ahead and released all our incentives
and salaries on time. Precautionary instructions and
constant health updates taken by seniors make
me feel like I am part of one caring family. A NEW
Vijaydurga Prasad