Page 8 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 8
DOES Learning from SCM
Creativity is the best A motivated Supply Chain
antidote to crisis. To keep Management (SCM) team of
our consumers engaged superheroes faced their
while staying at home, challenges by tracking daily
we launched ‘Fevicreate updates of drivers/
Crafting Memories’ – a transporters and monitored
campaign in association their safety by distributing
with an online digital thermoguns and sanitisers.
community Momspresso.
This craft- centred campaign Our safety and hygiene
generated a reach of 12 million protocols at warehouses gave
consumers during the workers the confidence to
lockdown. We have engaged resume work. In the absence
with crafts teachers across of public transportation, the
the country by providing warehouse sta displayed
content for conducting high level of commitment by
online ‘summer camps.’ using their own bicycles/
bikes to reach work.
So many of our Pidilite
employees, along with
their loved ones, walked the
extra mile to help those in
need during the lockdown.
From helping out contractor’s
families to distributing food
packets, they lead by example.
Our Champions & Warriors
received widespread
appreciation for their
proactive eorts.