Page 104 - Annual Report 2019-20
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STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                                                                         STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                                                              103
            for the year ended 31  March 2020                                                                                       for the year ended 31  March 2020
                                                                                                     (  in crores)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (  in crores)
             a. Equity Share Capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                For the year ended    For the year ended
                                                                                                        Amount                                                                                     31  March 2020       31  March 2019
                Balance as at 1  April 2018                                                               50.78                      A  Cash Flows From Operating Activities                                                              PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                  Changes in equity share capital during the year                                                                       Profit before tax for the year                                   1,436.95             1,376.45
                     Issue of equity shares under Employee Stock Option Scheme - 2012 (refer note 46)       0.01
                                                                                                                                        Adjustments for:
                     Issue of equity shares under Employee Stock Option Plan - 2016* (refer note 46)       0.00
                                                                                                                                        Finance costs recognised in Statement of Profit and Loss   13.40               7.14
                Balance as at 31  March 2019                                                              50.80
                                                                                                                                        Interest income recognised in Statement of Profit and Loss   (5.93)          (16.31)
                  Changes in equity share capital during the year
                     Issue of equity shares under Employee Stock Option Plan - 2016 (refer note 46)         0.01                        Dividend income recognised in Statement of Profit and Loss   (13.38)        (26.92)
                  Balance as at 31  March 2020                                                            50.81                         (Profit)/ Loss on disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment   (2.67)           2.18
                *Issue of equity shares under Employee Stock Option Plan - 2016 amounts to   48,550 during the year 2018-19.            Profit on Sale of Intangible Asset                          -               (33.41)
                                                                                                     (  in crores)                      net gain arising on Financial Assets designated at FVTPL   (110.39)         (87.64)
             b.  other Equity                                                                                                           Allowance for Doubtful Debts                                -                  4.18
                                                                   Reserves and Surplus                  ToTAL                          Allowance for Doubtful Debts Written Back               (5.80)                   -
                                                Capital Securities  Capital    Cash    Share    General  Retained
                                               Reserve Premium  Redem- Subsidy   Options   Reserve  Earnings                            Exceptional Item - Impairment in value of Assets and Investments   59.28         -
                                                        Reserve  ption   Reserve Outstanding
                                                               Reserve          Account                                                 Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment Expense       125.79               99.83
               Balance as at 1  April 2018         0.34       -    0.50    0.95    9.03   1,335.38   2,166.95   3,513.15                unrealised foreign exchange (gain)/ loss (net)           (0.15)               6.26
               Profit for the year                   -        -      -      -         -       -    979.44   979.44
                                                                                                                                        Provision for Employee Benefits                         (11.36)               5.23
               Other Comprehensive Income for the    -        -      -      -         -       -    (2.98)   (2.98)
               year, net of income tax                                                                                                  Expense recognised in respect of Equity-Settled          14.31               10.45
               Payment of dividends                  -        -      -      -         -       -   (364.32) (364.32)                     Share-Based Payments
               (including tax thereon)                                                                                                  Operating profits before Working Capital changes                 1,500.05            1,347.44
               Recognition of share-based payments     -    10.01    -      -      0.62       -       -    10.63
               (refer Note 46)                                                                                                          Movements in Working Capital:
               Transferred to Securities Premium on    -    10.01    -      -     (10.01)     -       -       -
               Options exercised during the year                                                                                        (Increase)/ Decrease in Operating Assets
               Exercised during the year             -        -      -      -       1.64      -       -     1.64                        Trade Receivables                                       (17.94)             (92.71)
               Amortised during the year             -        -      -      -       9.51      -       -     9.51                        Inventories                                               3.81             (103.36)
               Lapsed during the year                -        -      -      -     (0.52)      -       -    (0.52)
                                                                                                                                        non-Current Loans                                        (1.10)               0.38
               Balance as at 31  March 2019        0.34    10.01    0.50    0.95    9.65   1,335.38   2,779.09   4,135.92
                                                                                                                                        Current Loans                                          (10.00)               (2.16)
               Profit for the year                   -        -      -      -         -       -    1,101.62   1,101.62
               Other Comprehensive Income for the    -        -      -      -         -       -    (11.20)   (11.20)                    Other non-Current Financial Assets                        5.39               (6.82)
               year, net of income tax
               Payment of dividends                  -        -      -      -         -       -   (826.76) (826.76)                     Other Current Financial Assets                            1.02               (0.66)
               (including tax thereon)                                                                                                  Other non-Current non Financial Assets                    2.83               (2.70)
               Recognition of share-based payments     -    13.20    -      -       1.24      -       -    14.44
               (refer Note 46)                                                                                                          Other Current non Financial Assets                     (25.70)               20.90
               Transferred to Securities Premium on    -    13.20    -      -    (13.20)      -       -       -
               Options exercised during the year                                                                                        Increase/ (Decrease) in Operating Liabilities
               Amortised and exercised during the year   0.34    23.21    0.50    0.95    (0.40)   -    -    (0.40)                     Trade Payables                                           112.78              43.90
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20    In terms of our report attached  Managing Director     Executive Chairman                       Other non-Current Financial Liabilities                 (38.75)   1,602.88    8.37    (385.94)
               Lapsed during the year
                                                                                                                                        Other Current Financial Liabilities
                                                                                  10.89   1,335.38  3,042.74   4,414.01
               Balance as at 31  March 2020

                                                                                                                                        Other Current non Financial Liabilities
                                                                    FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                                                                        Cash generated from Operations
             Chartered Accountants
             N. K. JAIN
                                                                                                     M B PAREKH
                                                        BHARAT PURI
                                                                                                                                        Taxes paid (net of refunds)
                                                                                                   DIn: 00180955
                                                        DIn: 02173566
                                                                                                  PUNEET BANSAL
                                                     Chief Financial Officer
     102       Place: Mumbai                         PRADIP KUMAR MENON                        Company Secretary                        Net Cash generated from Operating Activities [A]                 1,226.96              853.15
                                                                                                   Place: Mumbai
             Date: 17  June 2020                                                               Date: 17  June 2020
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