Page 214 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 214

Notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements                                                            Notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements                                          213

                                                                                                   (  in crores)                                                                                                          (  in crores)
             23 Other Equity                                                                                                        23.4 Cash Subsidy Reserve
                                                                                              As at     As at                                                                                                        As at     As at
                                                                                           31 March   31  March                                                                                                   31 March   31  March    PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                                                                                              2020       2019                                                                                                        2020       2019
                 Capital Reserve                                                               0.34      0.34                           Balance at the beginning of the year                                          0.95       0.95
                 Securities Premium Reserve                                                    23.21     10.01                             Add/ (Less): Additions/ (Deductions) during the year                          -         -
                 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                    0.50      0.50                           Closing Balance                                                               0.95      0.95
                                                                                                                                        Cash Subsidy Reserve represents subsidies received from state governments. It is not available for the distribution to
                 Cash Subsidy Reserve                                                          0.95      0.95
                                                                                                                                        shareholders as dividend.
                 Legal Reserve                                                                 0.25      0.24
                                                                                                                                    23.5 Legal Reserve
                 State Investment Reserve                                                       0.15      0.15                                                                                                       As at     As at
                 Share Options Outstanding Account                                             10.89      9.65                                                                                                    31 March   31  March
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2020       2019
                 Foreign Currency Translation Reserve                                         28.83      14.36
                                                                                                                                        Balance at the beginning of the year                                          0.24       0.24
                 General Reserve                                                            1,335.38    1,335.38                           Add/ (Less) : Additions/ (Deductions) during the year                       0.01        -
                 Retained Earnings                                                          3,004.30    2,725.71                        Closing Balance                                                               0.25      0.24
                 TOTAL                                                                     4,404.80    4,097.29                         According to Thai Civil and Commercial Code, the Company is required to set aside to a statutory reserve an amount
                                                                                                                                        equal to at least five percent of its net profit each time the Company pays out a dividend, until such reserve reaches
                                                                                                                                        ten percent of its registered share capital. The statutory reserve cannot be used for dividend payment. At present, the
                                                                                                                                        statutory reserve has fully been set aside.
            23.1 Capital Reserve
                                                                                              As at     As at                       23.6 State Investment Reserve
                                                                                           31 March   31  March
                                                                                              2020       2019                                                                                                        As at     As at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  31 March   31  March
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                          0.34      0.34                                                                                                        2020       2019
                    Add/ (Less): Additions/ (Deductions) during the year                          -         -                           Balance at the beginning of the year                                           0.15      0.15
                 Closing Balance                                                               0.34      0.34                              Add/ (Less): Additions/ (Deductions) during the year                          -         -
                 Capital Reserve represents excess of net assets acquired in past amalgamation. It is not available for the distribution to   Closing Balance                                                          0.15      0.15
                 shareholders as dividend.                                                                                              State Investment Reserve represents subsidies received by hybrid Coatings from state government for capital
                                                                                                                                        investment. It is not available for the distribution to shareholders as dividend.
            23.2 Securities Premium Reserve
                                                                                              As at     As at                       23.7 Share Options Outstanding Account
                                                                                           31 March   31  March                                                                                                      As at     As at
                                                                                              2020       2019                                                                                                     31 March   31  March
                 Balance at the beginning of the year                                          10.01        -                                                                                                        2020       2019
                    Add : Premium on Shares issued against ESOP                                13.20     10.01                          Employees Stock Options Outstanding
                                                                                                                                        Balance at the beginning of the year                                         29.38      12.54
                 Closing Balance                                                               23.21     10.01
                 Security Premium Account is created when shares are issued at premium. The Group may issue fully paid-up bonus            Add : Options granted during the year                                       1.72     27.87
                 shares to its members out of the Securities Premium Reserve Account, and Group can use this reserve for                   Less : Transferred to Securities Premium on Options exercised during the year   (13.20)   (10.01)
                 buy-back of shares.
                                                                                                                                           Less : Lapsed during the year                                             (0.95)     (1.02)
            23.3 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                             Closing Balance (A)                                                           16.95     29.38
                                                                                              As at     As at                           Deferred Employees Stock Options Cost
                                                                                           31 March   31  March                         Balance at the beginning of the year                                        (19.73)    (27.87)
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  Closing Balance                                          0.50      0.50                           Closing Balance (B)                                                          (6.06)    (19.73)
                                                                                                                                           Less : Options granted during the year
                 Balance at the beginning of the year

                                                                                                                                           Add : Amortised and exercised during the year
                    Add : Transferred from General Reserve on Buy-back of Shares
                                                                                                                                           Add : Lapsed during the year
                 The Group has recognised Capital Redemption Reserve on buy-back of equity shares from its General Reserve. The
                 amount in Capital Redemption Reserve is equal to the nominal amount of equity shares bought back. The reserve can be
                                                                                                                                        Closing Balance (A+B)
                 utilised in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
                                                                                                                                        The above reserve relates to share options granted by the Company to its employees under its employee share option
     212                                                                                                                                plan. Further information about share-based payments to employees is set out in note 49.
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