Page 240 - Annual Report 2019-20
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Notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements                                                            notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements                                          239

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (  in crores)
             52 subsidiaries                                                                                                        53 Taxes
                 Details of the Group’s subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period are as follows:                                 1.  Deferred Tax                                                                                  PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                 Name of Subsidiary                                        Place of       Proportion of ownership                                                                                                    As at       As at
                                                                    incorporation and     interest and voting rights                                                                                             31  March    31 March
                                                                          operation            held by the Group                                                                                                     2020        2019
                                                                                           As at         As at
                                                                                   31 March 2020  31 March 2019                           Deferred Tax Assets (net)                                                 (13.00)     (10.72)
             a.  Fevicol Company Ltd (Fevicol)                                India     100.00%       100.00%                             Deferred Tax Liabilities (net)                                             82.29       120.14
             b.  Bhimad Commercial Company Pvt Ltd (Bhimad)                   India     100.00%       100.00%
                                                                                                                                          TOTAL                                                                      69.29      109.42
             c.  Madhumala Ventures Pvt Ltd (Formerly known as Madhumala      India     100.00%       100.00%
                 Traders Pvt Ltd) (Madhumala)
             d.  Pagel Concrete Technologies Pvt Ltd (PCTPL)                  India      80.00%        80.00%
             e.  nitin Enterprises (nitin)                                    India     100.00%       100.00%                           a  2019-20
             f.  Building Envelope Systems India Ltd (BESI)                   India      60.00%        60.00%                             Deferred tax (assets)/ liabilities in relation to:
             g.  nina Percept Pvt Ltd [refer note 56(c)]                      India       71.53%        71.53%                                                                   Opening   Recognised   Recognised    Foreign     Closing
             h.  hybrid Coatings (hybrid)                                     India      60.00%        60.00%                                                                    Balance   in Profit or   in Other    Currency   Balance
             i.  Pidilite International Pte Ltd (PIPL)                    Singapore     100.00%       100.00%                                                                                Loss   Comprehen-  Translation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    sive Income
             j.  Pidilite Middle East Ltd (PMEL)                  united Arab Emirates  100.00%       100.00%
             k.  Pulvitec do Brasil Industria e Comercio de Colas e Adesivos Ltda   Brazil  100.00%   100.00%                             Property, Plant and Equipment            67.78    (29.26)          -        0.40       38.92
                 (Pulvitec)                                                                                                               Intangible Assets                        83.38      1.20           -        0.07       84.65
             l.  Pidilite uSA Inc (PuSA)                                      uSA       100.00%       100.00%
             m.  Pidilite MEA Chemicals LLC (Jupiter)*            united Arab Emirates   49.00%        49.00%                             FVTPL financial assets                    17.12    (12.84)         -           -        4.28
             n.  PT Pidilite Indonesia (PTPI)                             Indonesia     100.00%       100.00%                             Other Provisions                        (5.80)     (1.45)          -       (0.33)      (7.58)
             o.  Pidilite Speciality Chemicals Bangladesh Pvt Ltd (PSCB)  Bangladesh    100.00%       100.00%
             p.  Pidilite Innovation Centre Pte Ltd (PICPL)               Singapore     100.00%       100.00%                             Allowance for Doubtful Debts            (18.74)     2.06           -       (0.19)     (16.87)
             q.  Pidilite Industries Egypt SAE (PIE)                         Egypt      100.00%       100.00%                             Provision for Employee Benefits         (16.72)     6.23       (3.58)      (0.01)     (14.08)
             r.  Pidilite Bamco Ltd (Bamco)                                Thailand     100.00%       100.00%                             Share issue and buy-back costs          (0.40)      1.88           -           -        1.48
             s.  Pidilite Chemical PLC (PCPLC)                             Ethiopia     100.00%       100.00%
             t.  PIL Trading (Egypt) Company (PTC)                           Egypt      100.00%       100.00%                             Tax Losses                              (17.20)    (4.09)          -       (0.22)      (21.51)
             u.  Pidilite Industries Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd (Pidilite Shanghai)  China  100.00%    100.00%                             TOTAL                                   109.42    (36.27)      (3.58)      (0.28)      69.29
             v.  Bamco Supply and Services Ltd (BSSL)*                     Thailand      49.00%        49.00%
             w.  ICA Pidilite Pvt Ltd (ICA) *                                 India      50.00%        50.00%
             x.  Cipy Polyurethanes Pvt Ltd                                   India      70.00%        70.00%                           b  2018-19
             y.  Pidilite Lanka (Pvt) Ltd (PLPL)                           Sri Lanka     76.00%        76.00%                             Deferred tax (assets)/ liabilities in relation to:
             z.  nebula East Africa Pvt Ltd (nebula)                         Kenya      100.00%       100.00%
                                                                                                                                                                                 Opening   Recognised   Recognised    Foreign     Closing
             aa.  nina Lanka Construction Technologies (Pvt) Ltd           Sri Lanka      72.70%       72.70%                                                                    Balance   in Profit or   in Other    Currency   Balance
                 (nina Lanka)**                                                                                                                                                              Loss   Comprehen-  Translation
             ab.  Pidilite Ventures LLC (w.e.f. 8  August 2018)               uSA       100.00%       100.00%                                                                                       sive Income
             ac.  Pidilite East Africa Limited (w.e.f. 12  February 2019)    Kenya       55.00%        55.00%                             Property, Plant and Equipment            62.06      5.57           -         0.15      67.78
             ad.  Pidilite Grupo Puma Pvt Ltd (PGPPL) *                       India      50.00%             -                             Intangible Assets                        73.69      9.78           -       (0.09)      83.38
                 (w.e.f. 16  September, 2019)
             ae.  Pidilite C-Techos Pvt Ltd (w.e.f. 18  September 2019)       India      60.00%             -                             FVTPL financial assets                   16.78      0.34           -           -        17.12
             af.  Pidilite Litokol Pvt Ltd (w.e.f. 7  October 2019)           India      60.00%             -
                 [refer note 56(e)]                                           India      50.00%             -                             Other Provisions                        (14.80)    (0.09)      (1.83)      (0.08)     (18.74)
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  ah. *  nina Percept (Bangladesh) Pvt Ltd***    Bangladesh  60.00%     -                             Share issue and buy-back costs          104.80     (9.92)      (1.83)      (0.21)     (17.20)
                 Pidilite Grupo Puma Manufacturing Ltd (PGPML)*
                                                                                                                                          Allowance for Doubtful Debts
                 (w.e.f. 13  January 2020) [refer note 56(f)]
                                                                                                                                          Provision for Employee Benefits
                 (w.e.f. 29  January 2020) [refer note 56(d)]
                 Pidilite C-Techos Walling Ltd
                 (w.e.f. 5  March 2020) [refer note 56(h)]
                                                                                                                                          Tax Losses
                 Pidilite MEA Chemicals LLC, BSSL. ICA and PGPML are subsidiaries of the Group even though the Group has 49%, 49%, 50%
                 and 50% ownership interest and voting rights in the subsidiaries respectively. however, based on the relevant facts and circum-
                 stances, control and management of these entities lie with the Group. The Group has the power to direct the relevant activities of
                 these entities and therefore controls these entities.
                 nina Lanka Construction Technologies (Pvt) Ltd (nina Lanka) is a 100% subsidiary of nina Percept Private Limited and Pidilite
                 Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
    238       ***  nina Percept (Bangladesh) Pvt Ltd (nina Bangladesh) is a 100% subsidiary of nina Percept Private Limited and Pidilite Speciality
                 Chemicals Bangladesh Pvt Ltd (PSCB)
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