Page 35 - Annual Report 2019-20
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management discussion and analysis   economic value added (EVA)                                                  33

 OUTLOOK  Current Year Outlook  sales and market share in   COMPUTATION OF EVA
 Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.                                                                                         PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 During the first half of  The US subsidiary plans to
 FY 2020-21, economic activity   maintain its focus on Retail
 may remain subdued due to a   and E-Commerce. The Brazil   EVA  =  Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) - Weighted average cost of capital employed.
 number of factors, such as   subsidiary is taking initiatives
 social distancing, subdued   for continued growth in sales   NOPAT  =  Net profit after tax + post tax interest cost at actual.
 demand and labour shortage.   and margins. The business
 Recovery in economic activity   environment in these countries
 is expected to begin in second   remain subdued as they  Weighted average cost of   =  (Cost of equity x average shareholder funds) + (cost of debt x average debt).
 half of FY 2020-21 depending   all face the ongoing impact  capital employed
 on how eectively the country   of the pandemic and
 is able to contain the virus.   consequent lockdown.  Cost of equity  =  Risk-free return equivalent to yield on long term Government of India (GOI) securities
 Overall there remains                  (taken @ 7.54%) + market risk premium (assumed @ 6.01%) x beta variant for the Company
 significant uncertainty about   Outlook on Opportunities,   (taken at 0.75), where the beta is a relative measure of risk associated with
 the duration of the pandemic   Threats, Risks and Concerns  the Company’s shares as against the stock market as a whole.
 and the consequent downside
 risks to domestic growth.  The Indian economy provides  Cost of debt  =  Effective interest applicable to Pidilite based on an appropriate mix of short,
 a large opportunity to the             medium and long term debt, net of taxes.
 Continued slowdown in  Company to market its
 the construction industry  dierentiated products.
 and economic growth can   Item                          2015-16   2016-17    2017-18    2018-19   2019-20
 negatively impact sales  Slower growth of the Indian
 growth for current year.   economy and stress in sectors,   1.  Risk Free Return on Long Term GOI Securities  7.5%  6.5%  7.2%  7.3%  7.5%
 such as construction could
 While major subsidiaries in   impact the performance of   2.  Cost of Equity  12.9%  9.2%  11.4%  13.1%  12.0%
 India are taking initiatives to   the Company.
 improve margins and achieve   3.  Cost of Debt (Post Tax)  0.0%     0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%
 consistent sales growth in  Overseas subsidiaries, by
 their respective businesses,   virtue of their relatively   4.  Effective Weighted Average Cost of Capital  12.8%  9.2%  11.4%  13.1%  12.0%
 the impact of the economic   smaller size, remain vulnerable   Economic Value Added (` in crores)
 growth environment does  to the political and economic
 pose a risk to these plans.   uncertainties of their   5.  Average Debt  3  1     0          0         0
 respective countries.
 The Company’s major   6.  Average Equity (Shareholder Funds)  2,500  3,025     3,482      3,875     4,326
 international subsidiaries are  COVID-19 related slowdown
 in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,  may impact the performance   7.  Average Capital Employed (Debt + Equity)  2,503  3,026  3,482  3,875  4,326
 USA, Brazil, Thailand, Egypt   of the Company and its
 and Dubai. Various initiatives   subsidiaries.  8.  Profit After Tax (as per P&L account)  774  #$  868 #$  955 $  979 $  1161 #$
 are being taken to increase   9.  Interest (as per P&L account, net of Income Tax)  4  4  4  5         10

             10.  Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT)    778       872        959        984        1171
 MISCELLANEOUS  OTHER MATTERS   CAUTIONARY STATEMENT  11.  Weighted Average Cost of Capital (4x7)  322  278  397  509  521

 The Company’s Net Worth   The following matters are   Statements in this   12.  Economic Value Added (10-11)  456  594  563  475  650
 (Equity capital + Reserves) has   elaborated in the Directors’   Management Discussion and   # Profit After Tax excludes exceptional items.   18.2%  19.6%  16.2%  12.3%  15.0%
                 EVA as a % of Average Capital Employed (12 ÷ 7)
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  crores as on 31  March 2020,   .  Risks and concerns  projections, estimates and   $ Profit is after tax but before Other Comprehensive Income.
 Analysis Report describing
 grown from ` 2,650 crores as
 the Company’s objectives,
 on 31  March 2016 to ` 4,465
 expectations may be ‘forward
 giving a Compounded Annual
 looking statements’ within the
 Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.93%.
 .  Internal control systems
 meaning of applicable laws
   and their adequacy
 and regulations. Actual results
 The market capitalisation of the
 might dier.
 Company on 31  March 2020
 grown at a CAGR of 30.36 %
 since the IPO in 1993.
 32  was ` 68,935 crores and has
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