Page 33 - Annual Report 2019-20
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management discussion and analysis                                                                               31

 BUSINESS SEGMENT/  HUMAN RESOURCES           The year under review            The Human Resource                  PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                                              witnessed significant progress
                                                                               Management System Workline
 PRODUCT CATEGORY %                           in people practices, policies    has been strengthened with
                                              and processes, enabling the      the implementation of multiple
                                              Company on its journey of        paperless processes across
 6.1%                                         ‘Growing to Greatness’.          employee, self service areas of
 Industrial                                                                    communication and relocation
 Adhesives                                    The Company’s ‘Happy and         reimbursements, manage
 6.2%                                         Healthy’ (HAH) movement          personal compensation and
                                              saw unique participation
                                                                               tax and personal profile
 Pigment &                                    levels of 65%, a rise of more    updates. Additionally, to help
 Preparation                                  than 20% over the last year.     digitise our hiring process, the
 6.4%                                         New categories were              integration of the Application
 Industrial Resins &                          introduced to engage             Tracking System (ATS) has
                                                                               been a key step in garnering
                                              employees more inclined
 Construction Chemicals                       towards mental or indoor         pre- and post-hiring
 (Project) etc.                               activities like carrom, quiz     intelligence.
 8.1%  1.4%                                   and badminton.
 Art & Craft  Others                                                           Safety of our employees is of
 Materials etc.                               To further strengthen the        paramount importance and
                                              Learning and Development         this was reflected both during
                                              programmes, PACE, the            the onset and living through
                                              signature programme for R&D      the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                              managers was added to the        The Company has reset the
                                              existing bouquet of signature    ways of working keeping a
                                              programmes for Sales and         long-term view in mind and is
                                              Marketing. Capstone,             moving swiftly to a digitally
                                              our programme for middle         enabled workforce which has
 19.2%                                        management saw its second        learning, safety and agility as
 Construction                                 batch successfully complete      the cornerstones of recasting
 & Paint                                      the course.                      the way we work.
                                              To strengthen the assessment     The total number of
                                              process, the Company             employees as on 31  March
                                              introduced a multi-rater         2020 is 6,064.
                                              stakeholder feedback process
                                              with the intention to bring
                                              in greater transparency
 52.6%                                        and accountability in
 Adhesives                                    our managers.
 & Sealants


 Consumer &
 Bazaar Products

  Business to Business
  Products segment

 30  1.4%
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38