Page 29 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 29

management discussion and analysis                                                                               27

 FINANCIAL   Consolidated Financials  On a constant currency basis,   FINANCIAL   Standalone Financials  For the year, sales volume and
                                                                               mix grew by
 the overseas subsidiaries
 REVIEW  Consolidated Net Sales   reported sales growth of   REVIEW  As a result of the nation-wide                PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
 grew by   9.6%                               lockdown declared in March       1.7%
                                              2020, the standalone net sales
 3.1%                                         in the last ten days of the      and EBITDA, excluding
 EBITDA grew by                               quarter, and of the year,        non-operating income
                                              were lower than the same
 “EBITDA” (earnings before                    period last year by around       improved by
 Interest, Taxes, Depreciation,               ` 150 crores. This is equivalent
 Exceptional items and foreign   107.9%       to around 11 % of Q4 net         14.4%
 exchange dierences) before                  sales last year.
 non-operating income,   due to higher sales and better
 increased by   gross margin due to softer    Lower sales in the last ten
 input cost.
 14.8%                                        days of the quarter and the      Profit Before Tax (PBT) and
                                              year resulted in last quarter’s
                                                                               exceptional items grew by
                                              standalone net sales growth
                                              reducing from around 9.6%        8.7%
 Domestic subsidiaries sales                         st
 declined by                                  as on 21 March 2020 to
 Profit Before Tax (PBT) grew by               (4.3%)* as on quarter end.       Excluding exceptional items+
                                              The year’s standalone net sales
 9.5%   8.2%                                  growth reduced from around       in current year and income
                                                                               from inter-company transfer of
                                              7.1% as on 21  March 2020 to
 EBITDA de-grew by                            4.0%* as on year end.            intangible assets and dividend
 PBT - excluding exceptional                  The consequent impact on         income from subsidiaries, in
 items* grew by  8.3%                         standalone EBITDA growth         last year, PBT grew by
 12.2%  on account of lower sales and         is estimated at a reduction      12.7%
                                              of 29.0% for last quarter and
 hence higher absorption of                   6.0% for the year.
 fixed cost.
                                              * Audited numbers, all other
 Profit After Tax (PAT) grew by                numbers are not reviewed/        Profit After Tax (PAT) grew by
                                              audited by auditors.
 20.8%                                                                         12.5%

 PAT - excluding exceptional                                                   Excluding exceptional items+
 items* grew by                                                                in current year and income
                                                                               from inter-company transfer of
 24.4%                                                                         intangible assets and dividend
                                                                               income from subsidiaries and
                                                                               eect of tax thereon, in last
                                                                               year, PAT grew by

 * Exceptional item represents                                                 23.3%
 impairment loss on plant and
 machinery at Dahej Elastomer
 PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20  value of investments amounting to             + Exceptional item represents
 Project amounting to ` 55 crores in
 current period and impairment in
                                                                               impairment loss on plant
 ` 18 crores in previous period.
                                                                               and machinery at Dahej
                                                                               Elastomer Project amounting
                                                                               to ` 55 crores and impairment
                                                                               in value of investments of

                                                                               ` 4 crores.
 26                                                                            a subsidiary amounting to
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