Page 30 - Annual Report 2019-20
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management discussion and analysis                                                                                                                                                                                           29

             Performance by                   The Company operates             Resins, Construction Chemicals                       BUSINESS TO BUSINESS             Business to Business             Industrial Resins, Construction
             Industry Segment                 under two major business         (Projects), Organic Pigments,                                                         segment contributed              Chemicals (Projects) etc.           PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20
                                              segments i.e. Branded
                                                                               Pigment Preparations, etc. and
             (Standalone)                     Consumer & Bazaar and            caters to various industries like                                                     18.7%                            6.4%
                                              Business to Business.
                                                                               packaging, joineries, textiles,
                                                                               paints, printing inks, paper,
                                              Products, such as Adhesives,     leather, etc.                                                                         of the sales of the Company
                                              Sealants, Art & Craft Materials                                                                                        and grew by                      of the sales of the Company
                                              and Others, Construction and     In both the above business                                                                                             and grew by
                                              Paint Chemicals are covered      segments, there are a few                                                             4.9%
                                              under Branded Consumer &         medium to large companies                                                                                              0.2%
                                              Bazaar segment. These            with national presence and a                                                          with volume and mix
                                              products are widely used by      large number of small                                                                 growing by
                                              carpenters, painters, plumbers,   companies which are active
                                              mechanics, households,           regionally. Multinational                                                             3.9%
                                              students, oces etc.             companies are also present                                                                                             Pigments and Preparations
                                                                               in many of the product                                                                                                 contributed
                                              Business to Business segment     categories in which the
                                              covers products, such as         Company operates.
                                              Industrial Adhesives, Industrial                                                                                                                        6.2%
                                                                                                                                                                     Industrial Adhesives includes
                                                                                                                                                                     adhesives used in packaging,     of the sales of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                     footwear, cigarette,             and grew by
                                                                                                                                                                     automotive industry and
                                                                                                                                                                     joinery. This category           15.6%
            CONSUMER & BAZAAR                Branded Consumer & Bazaar         Construction and Paint                                                                contributed
                                             segment contributed               Chemicals contributed
                                             79.9%                             19.2%                                                                                 6.1%

                                                                                                                                                                     of sales of the Company and
                                             of the sales of the Company       of the sales of the Company                                                           grew by
                                             and grew by                       and grew by                                                                           0.5%

                                             with volume and mix
                                             growing by
                                             1.9%                              Art & Craft Materials etc.                           OTHERS                           The ‘Others’ segment largely
                                                                               8.1%                                                                                  comprises of manufacture and
                                                                                                                                                                     sale of Speciality Acetates, raw
                                                                                                                                                                     materials etc.

                                             Adhesives & Sealants category     of the sales of the Company
                                             includes adhesives, sealants
                                                                               and declined by
      PIDILITE ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20         contributed                       1.0%
                                             and tapes. This category


                                             of the sales of the Company
                                             and grew by

     28                                      4.1%
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